Climate Change Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 35: Advice on emissions from international aviation and international shipping

182.Subsection (1) of this section places a duty on the Committee on Climate Change to advise the Secretary of State on the consequences of treating emissions from international aviation and international shipping as UK emissions for the purposes of the targets and budgets in the Act.

183.Subsection (2) provides that the duty does not apply if, and to the extent that, the Secretary of State has already made regulations under section 30 which provide for emissions from international aviation and international shipping to be treated as UK emissions.

184.Subsection (3) requires the Committee on Climate Change to provide reasons with its advice. Subsection (4) makes provision on the timing of the advice, requiring the Committee on Climate Change to give its first advice under this section when it advises on the carbon budget for 2023­–2027 (which must be given by 31st December 2010, as calculated in accordance with sections 34(4)(b) and 4(2)(b)). Subsequent advice must be given at the same time as its advice on carbon budgets.

185.Subsection (5) requires the Committee on Climate Change to send a copy of its advice to the devolved administrations, and subsection (6) requires it to publish its advice, in such manner as it considers appropriate, as soon as is reasonably practicable after it has given it to the Secretary of State.

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