

SCHEDULE 17Protective provisions

Part 3Protection of land drainage, flood defence, water resources and fisheries

6(1)If by reason of the construction of any specified work or of the failure of any such work the efficiency of any drainage work for flood defence purposes is impaired, or that work is otherwise damaged, so as to require remedial action, such impairment or damage shall be made good by the nominated undertaker to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency.

(2)If such impaired or damaged drainage work for flood defence purposes is not made good to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency, the Agency may by notice in writing require the nominated undertaker to restore it to its former standard of efficiency or where necessary to construct some other work in substitution for it.

(3)If, within a reasonable period being not less than 28 days beginning with the date on which a notice in respect of impaired or damaged drainage work for flood defence purposes is served under sub-paragraph (2) on the nominated undertaker, the nominated undertaker has failed to begin taking steps to comply with the requirements of the notice and has not thereafter made reasonably expeditious progress towards its implementation, the Agency may do what is necessary for such compliance and may recover any expenditure reasonably incurred by it in so doing from the nominated undertaker.

(4)In the event of any dispute as to the reasonableness of any requirement of a notice served under sub-paragraph (2), the Agency shall not except in a case of immediate foreseeable need exercise the powers conferred by sub-paragraph (3) until the dispute has been finally determined.