Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 279 - Certificates for new homes

801.This section places a duty on a person selling a newly constructed residential property to give the purchaser of the property information about the sustainability of the new property free of charge before the sale is agreed. This information is in the form of either a sustainability certificate or a statement that there is no sustainability certificate for the property (subsections (1), (2), (4) and (9)).

802.The sustainability certificate can be given as either an interim certificate (if the property has not been completed yet) or a final certificate (available after the property has been built and assessed). Where an interim certificate is given before sale, the final certificate must be given at a later point to be prescribed in regulations, which may be after the sale is completed (subsections (3), (10) and (11)).

803.The section provides for powers to make regulations to bring forward the point at which a sustainability certificate or statement of non-assessment must be supplied, to make exceptions to the duties under the section, and to provide for alternative duties where such exceptions apply (subsections (5), (6) and (7)). There is a defence of reasonable excuse for not complying with any of duties in this section (subsection (8)).

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