Explanatory Notes

Housing and Regeneration Act 2008

2008 CHAPTER 17

22 July 2008

Structure of the Act

Part 2 – Regulation of Social Housing

Chapter 7 – Enforcement powers
Section 227 - Grounds for imposition

659.This section specifies the grounds on which the regulator may decide to require registered providers to pay fines. As well as being satisfied that one of the grounds specified in this section applies, the regulator must also be satisfied that a fine is the appropriate penalty for the identified problem.

660.Subsections (2) to (7) of this section specify the cases where the regulator may issue a fine. These cases are where:

661.Subsection (8) provides that where the regulator is satisfied that an offence has been committed in respect of a registered provider by an individual, the grounds for imposing a penalty are as in subsection (7), and the regulator may require the individual rather than the provider to pay the fine. This subsection also provides that, in such cases, references in this Part of the Act to a registered provider can be read as references to that person.

662.Subsection (9) requires that the regulator must be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt in respect of the grounds at subsection (7).