Housing and Regeneration Act 2008

  1. Introduction

  2. Background and Summary

  3. Structure of the Act

    1. Territorial Extent

    2. Territorial Application:  Wales

    3. Part 1 - the Homes and Communities Agency

      1. Chapter 1 - General

        1. Section 1 - Establishment and constitution

        2. Sections 2 to 4 – Objects: Principal powers: Powers: general

      2. Chapter 2 - Land and infrastructure

        1. General

          1. Sections 5 to 7 – Powers to provide housing or other land; Powers for regeneration, development or effective use of land; Powers in relation to infrastructure

        2. Powers to deal with land etc.

          1. Section 8 - Powers to deal with land etc.

          2. Section 9 - Acquisition of land

          3. Section 10 - Restrictions on disposal of land

        3. Powers in relation to acquired land

          1. Section 11 - Main powers in relation to acquired land

          2. Section 12 - Powers in relation to, and for, statutory undertakers

        4. Planning

          1. Sections 13 and 14 - Power of Secretary of State to make designation orders; The HCA as the local planning authority; Contents of designation orders

          2. Section 15 – HCA as local planning authority: local involvement

          3. Section 16 - Regional planning

        5. Other powers etc. in relation to land

          1. Sections 17 and 18 - Power to enter and survey land; Section 17: supplementary

      3. Chapter 3 - Financial provision

        1. Powers to give financial assistance

          1. Section 19 - Financial assistance

        2. Borrowing powers of the HCA

          1. Section 20 - Powers to borrow

          2. Section 21 - Loans by the Secretary of State

          3. Section 22 - Guarantees by the Secretary of State

          4. Section 23 - Financial limits

        3. Other

          1. Section 24 - Power to charge for certain activities

          2. Section 25 - Directions as to surplus funds

          3. Section 26 - Duty to act as agent in respect of regeneration and development

          4. Section 27 - Duty to act as agent in respect of derelict land etc.

      4. Chapter 4 - Other functions of the HCA

        1. General

          1. Section 28 - Business

          2. Section 29 - Powers to form companies etc.

          3. Section 30 - Community services

        2. Social housing

          1. Section 31 - Duties in relation to social housing

          2. Section 32 – Recovery etc. of social housing assistance

          3. Section 33: interest and successors in title

          4. Section 34 – Determinations under sections 32 and 33

          5. Section 35 - Duty to give financial assistance in respect of certain disposals

          6. Section 36 - Information in relation to social housing

          7. Section 37 - Duty to co-operate with Regulator of Social Housing

        3. Information, education and guidance etc.

          1. Sections 38 and 39 - Information services; Advice, education and training

          2. Section 40 - Guidance

        4. Functions in relation to companies and other persons

          1. Section 41 - Control of subsidiaries

          2. Sections 42 and 43 - Agency arrangements with urban development corporations; Acting with, or for other persons: general

          3. Section 44 – Local government involvement

        5. Other

          1. Section 45 - Support services

      5. Chapter 5 - Supplementary

        1. Certain supervisory powers of the Secretary of State

          1. Section 46 - Guidance by the Secretary of State

          2. Section 47 - Directions by the Secretary of State

          3. Section 48 - Consents by the Secretary of State

        2. Abolition of existing bodies

          1. Sections 49 and 50 - Abolition of the Urban Regeneration Agency; Abolition of the Commission for the New Towns

          2. Section 51 - Property etc. transfers to the HCA and the Welsh Ministers

          3. Section 52 - Role of the HCA in relation to former CNT functions

          4. Section 53 - Interim arrangements

        3. Other

          1. Section 54 - Validity of transactions

          2. Section 55 - Notices

          3. Sections 56 to 58 - Consequential amendments: Part 1; Interpretation: Part 1; Index of defined expressions: Part 1

    4. Part 2 – Regulation of Social Housing

      1. Chapter 1 - Introduction

        1. Preliminary

          1. Section 59 – Purpose

          2. Section 60 - Structural overview

          3. Section 61 - Restriction of “registered social landlord” system to Wales

          4. Section 62 - References to Welsh Ministers

          5. Section 63 - References to National Assembly for Wales

          6. Section 64 - Dissolution of Housing Corporation

          7. Section 65 – Transfer schemes

          8. Section 66 – Interim arrangements

          9. Section 67 – Transitional arrangements

        2. Social housing

          1. Section 68 - Basic principle

          2. Section 69 - Low cost rental

          3. Section 70 - Low cost home ownership

          4. Section 71 - Shared ownership low cost rental

          5. Section 72 – Regulations

          6. Section 73 - Leaving the social housing stock: sale

          7. Section 74 - Leaving the social housing stock: expired lease

          8. Section 75 - Leaving the social housing stock: disposal with consent

          9. Section 76 - Leaving the social housing stock: regulator’s direction

          10. Section 77 - Housing stock under Housing Act 1996

        3. Other key concepts

          1. Section 78 – Regulator of Social Housing

          2. Section 79 - English bodies

          3. Section 80 - Provider of social housing

      2. Chapter 2 – The Social Housing Regulator

        1. Constitution

          1. Section 81 - Establishment

          2. Section 82 – Membership

          3. Section 83 – Tenure

          4. Section 84 – Chief executive

          5. Section 85 – Other staff

        2. Proceedings

          1. Section 86 Fundamental objectives

          2. Sections 87 and 88 – Procedure and conflict of interest

          3. Sections 89 and 90 – Committees and delegation

          4. Section 91 – Seal

          5. Section 92 - Annual report

        3. Powers

          1. Section 93 - General

          2. Section 94 - Studies

          3. Section 95 - Financial assistance

          4. Section 96 – Evidence

          5. Section 97 – Information, advice &c.

          6. Section 98 – Tenant involvement

        4. Money

          1. Section 99 – Remuneration

          2. Section 100 – Charging

          3. Section 101 – Assistance by Secretary of State

          4. Section 102 – Borrowing

          5. Sections 103 and 104 – Accounts and Financial year

        5. Relationship with other bodies

          1. Section 105 - Co-operation with the HCA

          2. Section 106 - Direction to the HCA

        6. Information

          1. Section 107 - Collection

          2. Section 108 – Section 107: supplemental

          3. Section 109 - Disclosure

      3. Chapter 3 - Registration

        1. Introduction

          1. Section 110 - Overview

          2. Section 111 – The register

        2. Eligibility

          1. Section 112 - Eligibility for registration

          2. Section 113 - Local authority non-registrable bodies

          3. Section 114 – Registration of local authorities

          4. Section 115 - Profit-making and non-profit organisations

        3. Procedure

          1. Section 116 - Entry

          2. Section 117 - Fees

          3. Section 118 - De-registration: compulsory

          4. Section 119 - De-registration:  voluntary

          5. Section 120 - Notice

          6. Section 121 - Appeal

      4. Chapter 4 – Registered providers

        1. General provisions

          1. Section 122 - Payments to members etc.

          2. Section 123 - Disposal of property

          3. Section 124 – Complaints

          4. Section 125 - Voluntary undertaking

          5. Section 126 – Sustainable community strategies

        2. Accounts

          1. Section 127 - Directions

          2. Section 128 - Submission to regulator

          3. Section 129 - Companies exempt from audit

          4. Section 130 - Exempt companies: accountant’s report

          5. Section 131 - Exempt companies: reporting accountant

          6. Section 132 - Application of Companies Act

          7. Section 133 - Exempt companies: extraordinary audit

          8. Section 134 - Non-audited industrial and provident society

          9. Section 135 - Charity

          10. Section 136 - Charity: audit

          11. Section 137 - Charity:  auditor’s report

          12. Section 138 - Charity:  accountant’s report

          13. Section 139 - Charity:  extraordinary audit

          14. Section 140 - Charity:  auditor’s powers

          15. Section 141 – Offences

          16. Section 142 - High Court

          17. Section 143 - Disclosure

        3. Insolvency etc.

          1. Section 144 - Preparatory steps:  notice

          2. Section 145 - Moratorium

          3. Section 146 - Duration of moratorium

          4. Section 147 - Further moratorium

          5. Section 148 - Effect of moratorium

          6. Section 149 - Exempted disposals

          7. Section 150 - Disposals without consent

          8. Section 151 – interim manager

          9. Section 152 - Proposals

          10. Section 153 - Proposals: procedure

          11. Section 154 - Proposals: effect

          12. Section 155 - Manager:  appointment

          13. Section 156 - Manager:  powers

          14. Section 157 - Manager of industrial and provident society: extra powers

          15. Section 158 - Assistance by regulator

          16. Section 159 - Applications to court

        4. Restructuring and dissolution

          1. Sections 160 to 166

          2. Section 160 - Company: arrangements and reconstructions

          3. Section 161 - Company:  conversion into industrial and provident society

          4. Section 162 - Company:  winding up

          5. Section 163 - Industrial and provident society:  restructuring

          6. Section 164 - Industrial and provident society:  winding up

          7. Section 165 - Industrial and provident society:  dissolution

          8. Section 166 - Winding up petition by the regulator

          9. Section 167 - Transfer of property

          10. Section 168 - Section 167: supplemental

          11. Section 169 - Extension of sections 167 and 168

      5. Chapter 5 - Disposal of property

        1. Introductory

          1. Section 170 - Overview

          2. Section 171 - Power to dispose

        2. Regulator’s consent

          1. Section 172 - Requirement of consent

          2. Section 173 - Exceptions

          3. Section 174 - Procedure

          4. Section 175 - Disposal without consent

          5. Section 176 – Notification where disposal consent not required

        3. Proceeds

          1. Section 177 - Separate accounting

          2. Section 178 – Use of proceeds

        4. Tenants’ rights and duties

          1. Section 179 - Application of Housing Act 1996

          2. Section 180 – Right to Acquire

          3. Section 181 – Interpretation: “publicly funded”

          4. Section 182 – Interpretation: “remained in the social rented sector”

          5. Section 183 - Interpretation: other expressions

          6. Section 184 – Right to acquire: supplemental

          7. Section 185 – Right to acquire: consequential amendments

        5. Miscellaneous

          1. Section 186 - Former registered providers

          2. Section 187 – Change of use, etc.

          3. Section 188 – Trustees

          4. Section 189 – Charities

        6. Consents under other legislation

          1. Section 190 – Consent to disposals under other legislation

          2. Section 191 – Section 190: consequential amendments

      6. Chapter 6 – Regulatory powers

        1. Section 192 - Overview

        2. Standards

          1. Section 193 – Provision of social housing

          2. Section 194 - Management

          3. Section 195 - Code of Practice

          4. Section 196 - Consultation

          5. Section 197 - Direction by Secretary of State

          6. Section 198 – Supplemental

        3. Monitoring

          1. Section 199 - Survey

          2. Section 200 - Survey: supplemental

          3. Section 201 - Inspection

          4. Section 202 – Inspections – supplemental

          5. Section 203 - Inspector’s powers

          6. Section 204 - Performance information

          7. Section 205 - Publication of performance information

          8. Section 206 - Inquiry

          9. Section 207 - Inquiry: supplemental

          10. Section 208 - Inquiry: evidence

          11. Section 209 – Inquiry: charities

          12. Section 210 – Extraordinary audit

        4. Management and constitution

          1. Sections 211 - 214

          2. Section 211 - Non-profit providers only

          3. Section 212 - Industrial and provident society:  change of rules

          4. Section 213 - Charity:  change of objects

          5. Section 214 - Companies: change of articles

        5. Guidance

          1. Section 215 - Use of intervention powers

          2. Section 216 - Consultation

        6. Managers of social housing

          1. Section 217 - Accreditation

      7. Chapter 7 – Enforcement powers

        1. Section 218: exercise of enforcement powers

        2. Section 219 - Overview

        3. Section 220 - Grounds for giving notice

        4. Section 221 - Content

        5. Section 222 – Notifying HCA

        6. Section 223 - Appeal

        7. Section 224 - Withdrawal

        8. Section 225 - Sanction

        9. Penalty

          1. Section 226 - Overview

          2. Section 227 - Grounds for imposition

          3. Section 228 - Imposition

          4. Section 229 - Amount

          5. Section 230 - Warning

          6. Section 231 - Representations

          7. Section 232 – Notifying HCA

          8. Section 233 - Destination

          9. Section 234 - Enforcement

          10. Section 235 - Appeal

        10. Compensation

          1. Section 236 - Overview

          2. Section 237 - Grounds for award

          3. Section 238 - Nature

          4. Section 239 - Housing ombudsman compensation

          5. Section 240 - Award

          6. Section 241 – Impact

          7. Section 242 - Warning

          8. Section 243 - Representations

          9. Section 244 - Enforcement

          10. Section 245 - Appeal

        11. Management etc.

          1. Section 246 - Overview

          2. Section 247 - Management tender

          3. Section 248 - Section 247: Supplemental

          4. Section 249 - Management transfer

          5. Section 250 - Section 249: supplemental

          6. Section 251 - Appointment of manager

          7. Section 252 - Section 251 supplemental

          8. Section 253 - Transfer of land

          9. Section 254 - Section 253: supplemental

          10. Section 255 – Amalgamation

        12. Restrictions on dealings

          1. Section 256 – Restrictions on dealings during inquiry

          2. Section 257 – Restrictions on dealings following inquiry

          3. Section 258 – Restrictions on dealings: supplemental

        13. Suspension and removal of officers

          1. Section 259 – Suspension during inquiry

          2. Section 260 – Removal or suspension following inquiry

          3. Section 261 – Suspension under section 259 or 260: supplemental

          4. Section 262 – Disqualification of removed person

          5. Section 263 – Register of disqualified persons

          6. Section 264 – Acting while disqualified: offence

          7. Section 265 – Acting while disqualified: other consequences

          8. Section 266 – Removal of officers

          9. Section 267 – Section 266: supplemental

          10. Section 268 – Appeal against removal or suspension

          11. Section 269 – Appointment of new officers

      8. Chapter 8 – General

        1. Interpretation

          1. Section 270 - Officer

          2. Section 271 - Subsidiary and associate

          3. Section 272 - Family

          4. Section 273 - Disposal

          5. Section 274 – Charities that have “received public assistance”

          6. Section 275 - General

          7. Section 276 - Index of defined terms: Part 2

        2. Miscellaneous

          1. Section 277 - Consequential amendments

          2. Section 278 – Transitional

    5. Part 3 – Other Provisions

      1. Chapter 1 - Sustainability certificates

        1. General

          1. Section 279 - Certificates for new homes

          2. Section 280 - Meaning of sustainability

          3. Section 281 - Authorised assessors

          4. Section 282 - Register of certificates

        2. Enforcement

          1. Section 283 - Enforcement authorities

          2. Section 284 - Power to require production of certificates or statements

          3. Section 285 - Penalty charge notices

          4. Section 286 - Offences relating to enforcement officers

        3. Supplementary

          1. Section 287 - Grants

          2. Section 288 - Suspension of duties

          3. Section 289 - Disclosure of certificates

          4. Section 290 – General powers to make regulations

          5. Section 291 - Powers to extend Chapter

          6. Section 292 - Chapter 1: interpretation etc.

          7. Section 293 – Index of defined expressions: Chapter 1

      2. Chapter 2 – Landlord and tenant matters

        1. Tenant empowerment

          1. Section 294 - Ballots before certain disposals to private landlords

          2. Section 295 - Management agreements: extending requirements to co-operate

          3. Section 296 - Requirements to co-operate in relation to certain disposals of land

        2. Family intervention tenancies

          1. Section 297 - Family intervention tenancies: general

          2. Section 298 - Certain family intervention tenancies: termination

        3. Possession orders

          1. Section 299 – Possession orders relating to certain tenancies

        4. Leasehold enfranchisement

          1. Section 300 – Right to acquire freehold: abolition of low rent test

          2. Section 301 - Shared ownership leases: protection for certain leases

          3. Section 302 - Shared ownership leases: protection for hard to replace houses

        5. Service charges

          1. Section 303 – Service charges: provision of information and designated accounts

        6. Right to buy etc: miscellaneous

          1. Section 304 – Exclusion of the right to buy: possession orders

          2. Section 305 – Exclusion of the right to buy: demolition notices

          3. Section 306 – Review of determination of value

          4. Section 307 – Approved lending institutions

          5. Section 308 – Former right to buy flats and other flats: service charge loans

          6. Section 309 – Former right to buy and other flats: equity share purchases

          7. Section 310 - Other amendments

        7. Other

          1. Section 311 – Disposals of dwelling-houses by local authorities

          2. Section 312 - Financial assistance for information and other services

      3. Chapter 3 - Housing finance and other provisions

        1. Housing Revenue Account subsidy

          1. Section 313 - Exclusions from subsidy arrangements

        2. Homelessness and allocation of housing

          1. Section 314 – Ineligible persons from abroad: statutory disregards

          2. Section 315 - Armed forces: local connection test

        3. Other

          1. Section 316 – Amendments to Housing Act 1985: lending institutions

          2. Section 317 – Building regulations: time limit for prosecutions

          3. Section 318 – Protected mobile home sites to include sites for gypsies and travellers

          4. Section 319 – Financial assistance for certain services about commonhold

    6. Part 4 – Supplementary and Final Provisions

      1. Section 320 – Orders and regulations

      2. Section 321 – Consequential amendments and repeals

      3. Section 322 – Transitional, transitory or saving provisions

      4. Section 323 – Financial provisions

      5. Sections 324 - 326 – Extent; Commencement; Short title

    7. Schedule 1 – The Homes and Communities Agency

    8. Schedule 2 – Acquisition of land

    9. Schedule 3 – Main powers in relation to land of the HCA

    10. Schedule 4 – Powers in relation to, and for, statutory undertakers

    11. Schedule 5 – Amendments to the New Towns Act 1981

    12. Schedule 6 – Transfer schemes

    13. Schedule 7 – Transfer Schemes: tax

    14. Schedule 8 – Amendments of enactments: Part 1

    15. Schedule 9 – Amendments of enactments: Part 2

    16. Schedule 10 – Penalty charge notices

    17. Schedule 11 – Possession orders relating to certain tenancies

    18. Schedule 12- Service charges: provision of information and designated accounts

    19. Schedule 13 – Demolition notices

    20. Schedule 14 – Disposals of dwelling-houses by local authorities

    21. Schedule 15 – Ineligible persons from abroad: statutory disregards

    22. Schedule 16 – Repeals

  4. Impact Assessment

  5. Commencement Date

  6. Annex A