Explanatory Notes

Health and Social Care Act 2008

2008 CHAPTER 14

21 July 2008

Territorial Extent

Territorial application: Wales

Part 1 – the Care Quality Commission
Chapter 1 – Introductory
Section 5: Statement on user involvement

113.Section 5 requires the Commission to publish a statement on user involvement, following consultation with such people as the Commission considers appropriate. The statement must include the Commission’s proposals for promoting awareness among service users and carers of its functions and for engaging in discussion with them both about the provision of health and social care services and about the way in which the Commission exercises its functions. It must also set out the Commission’s proposals for ensuring that proper regard is had to the views expressed by service users and carers and for arranging for any of its functions to be exercised by, or with the assistance of, service users and carers. The Commission is free to revise the statement from time to time but must consult again on any revision and publish the revised version. The Commission is required to report, as part of its annual report to Parliament under section 83, on the steps it has taken to implement the proposals in its statement on user involvement.