Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 30: Inspection plans

93.This section makes provision for primary authorities that exercise the function of inspection to draw up inspection plans in respect of the regulated person with whom they have a relationship. These inspection plans are intended to act as a guide for other local authorities who also carry out inspections in relation to that person.

94.Subsection (3) provides examples as to what can be set out in an inspection plan. These include the frequency at which inspection should be carried out, the circumstances under which an inspection should take place and what an inspection should consist of. It is intended that an inspection plan can also include other information such as risk assessments detailing the risk of non-compliance and the potential consequences of non-compliance, and improvement plans detailing intended actions that will ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

95.Under subsection (4) the primary authority must consult with the regulated person before drawing up an inspection plan.

96.Under subsection (5) a primary authority is required to take into account any relevant recommendations and guidance relating to inspections when drawing up an inspection plan.

97.Under subsection (6) a primary authority is required to bring any inspection plan to the notice of other local authorities. Before doing so, the primary authority must obtain the consent of LBRO.

98.Subsection (7) requires a local authority to have regard to an inspection plan that has been brought to its attention when proposing to inspect the regulated person to which the plan refers. Under subsections (8) and (9), a local authority other than the primary authority must notify the primary authority before it exercises a function of inspection in relation to a regulated person in a manner that departs from the recommendations in an inspection plan and specify their reasons for this departure.

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