Explanatory Notes

Police and Justice Act 2006

2006 CHAPTER 48

8 November 2006

The Act

Commentary on Sections

Part 6: Supplemental
Section 53: Commencement

394.This section provides for commencement. The provisions mentioned in paragraph 400 below came into force on Royal Assent (i.e. on 8 November 2006). The other provisions of the Act are to be brought into force by means of commencement orders.

395.Commencement orders will be made by the Secretary of State and, where the Act so provides, by the Scottish Ministers or the National Assembly for Wales.

396.Sections 35 to 38 (computer misuse), and repeals and amendments consequential on those sections, will be brought into force by the Scottish Ministers in so far as they relate to Scotland.

397.Sections 19 and 20 (crime and disorder committees) and 27 (injunctions in local authority proceedings) and Schedules 8 and 10 will be brought into force by the National Assembly for Wales in so far as they relate to local authorities in Wales. Sections 23 to 25 (parenting contracts and parenting orders), and amendments and repeals consequential on those sections, will be brought into force by the National Assembly for Wales in so far as they relate to local authorities and registered social landlords in Wales. Section 26 (anti-social behaviour injunctions) and consequential amendments and repeals relating to housing-related injunctions will be bought into force by the National Assembly for Wales in so far as they relate to Welsh landlords as defined in subsection (9).

398.Subsection (10) provides that the commencement order bringing section 4 into force may include modifications to Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1999 in its application to police authorities.