Police and Justice Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Paragraphs 1 to 6: Membership etc of police authorities

77.Paragraphs 1 to 6 amend the 1996 Act so as to provide that the detailed provision for the composition of police authorities, the appointment process for non-councillor members and the remuneration of members are to be as set out in regulations rather than, as now, on the face of the 1996 Act. Paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 substitutes a new Schedule 2 into the 1996 Act: this contains the regulation-making power in respect of police authorities outside London. The new Schedule 2 requires the regulations to specify that councillor members of a police authority are to be appointed by the council from which they are drawn; that the other members are to be appointed by the existing membership of the police authority from amongst a short- list recommended as suitable for appointment by a selection panel; that at least one lay justice is to be included amongst these non-councillor members; and that the chairman and vice-chairman or vice-chairmen of a police authority are to be appointed by the authority. A new Schedule 2A, inserted by paragraph 4, makes parallel provision for the Metropolitan Police Authority. The provision required to be made by regulations under the new Schedule 2A is broadly similar to that which Schedule 2 requires. The main difference is that the chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority will be either the Mayor of London or a person appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor will also appoint the vice-chairman, or vice-chairmen, of the Metropolitan Police Authority. The regulations made under Schedule 2 and Schedule 2A will be subject to the negative resolution procedure.

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