Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Section 32: Notification of cessation of monitoring

122.This section provides for a system for a person to register an interest to be notified if an individual ceases to be subject to monitoring. All those eligible to make checks will be able to register to be notified if the individual ceases to be subject to monitoring (in relation to regulated activity relating to children, vulnerable adults or both) by making an application in the prescribed form which includes an appropriate declaration. This declaration will be similar to the declaration in section 30 and will also state that the applicant has the individual’s consent. If the individual has given consent to a section 30 check, then that consent is valid for the purposes of this section.

123.The Secretary of State will be under a duty to notify all those with a registered interest in an individual when that individual ceases to be subject to monitoring in relation to the regulated activity in respect of which the interest was registered. The person who registered the interest will then be able to take action to find out why the individual is no longer monitored and to prevent them engaging in regulated or controlled activity, if that is appropriate.

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