
Part 35The registrar of companies

Registered numbers

1067Registered numbers of branches of overseas company

(1)The registrar shall allocate to every branch of an overseas company whose particulars are registered under section 1046 a number, which shall be known as the branch’s registered number.

(2)Branches' registered numbers shall be in such form, consisting of one or more sequences of figures or letters, as the registrar may determine.

(3)The registrar may on adopting a new form of registered number make such changes of existing registered numbers as appear necessary.

(4)A change of a branch’s registered number has effect from the date on which the company is notified by the registrar of the change.

(5)For a period of three years beginning with that date any requirement to disclose the branch’s registered number imposed by regulations under section 1051 (trading disclosures) is satisfied by the use of either the old number or the new.