
Part 35The registrar of companies

Public notice of receipt of certain documents

1077Public notice of receipt of certain documents

(1)The registrar must cause to be published—

(a)in the Gazette, or

(b)in accordance with section 1116 (alternative means of giving public notice),

notice of the receipt by the registrar of any document that, on receipt, is subject to the Directive disclosure requirements (see section 1078).

(2)The notice must state the name and registered number of the company, the description of document and the date of receipt.

(3)The registrar is not required to cause notice of the receipt of a document to be published before the date of incorporation of the company to which the document relates.

1078Documents subject to Directive disclosure requirements

(1)The documents subject to the “Directive disclosure requirements” are as follows.

The requirements referred to are those of Article 3 of the First Company Law Directive (68/151/EEC), as amended, extended and applied.

(2)In the case of every company—

(3)In the case of a public company—

(4)Where a private company re-registers as a public company (see section 96)—

(a)the last statement of capital relating to the company received by the registrar under any provision of the Companies Acts becomes subject to the Directive disclosure requirements, and

(b)section 1077 (public notice of receipt of certain documents) applies as if the statement had been received by the registrar when the re-registration takes effect.

(5)In the case of an overseas company, such particulars, returns and other documents required to be delivered under Part 34 as may be specified by the Secretary of State by regulations.

(6)Regulations under subsection (5) are subject to negative resolution procedure.

1079Effect of failure to give public notice

(1)A company is not entitled to rely against other persons on the happening of any event to which this section applies unless—

(a)the event has been officially notified at the material time, or

(b)the company shows that the person concerned knew of the event at the material time.

(2)The events to which this section applies are—

(a)an amendment of the company’s articles,

(b)a change among the company’s directors,

(c)(as regards service of any document on the company) a change of the company’s registered office,

(d)the making of a winding-up order in respect of the company, or

(e)the appointment of a liquidator in a voluntary winding up of the company.

(3)If the material time falls—

(a)on or before the 15th day after the date of official notification, or

(b)where the 15th day was not a working day, on or before the next day that was,

the company is not entitled to rely on the happening of the event as against a person who shows that he was unavoidably prevented from knowing of the event at that time.

(4)“Official notification” means—

(a)in relation to an amendment of the company’s articles, notification in accordance with section 1077 (public notice of receipt by registrar of certain documents) of the amendment and the amended text of the articles;

(b)in relation to anything else stated in a document subject to the Directive disclosure requirements, notification of that document in accordance with that section;

(c)in relation to the appointment of a liquidator in a voluntary winding up, notification of that event in accordance with section 109 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (c. 45) or Article 95 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (S.I.1989/2405 (N.I. 19)).