Government of Wales Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Part 1: Matters

693.This Part of the Schedule lists the matters, and the fields within which they fall, to which a provision in an Assembly Measure must relate if it is to satisfy the criteria in section 94 (4) (a). Section 95 allows this Schedule to be amended by Order in Council so as to add, remove or change fields and matters. A field cannot be added if

  • the Welsh Ministers, the First Minister or the Counsel General have no functions in that field.

694.The only matters listed at the passing of this Act are ones which fall within the field “the National Assembly for Wales”. The matters are concerned with Assembly Members (for example, remuneration and complaints), conferring certain functions on the Assembly Commission, the interpretation of the Welsh texts of Assembly Measures etc and procedures for the consideration of proposed private Assembly Measures.

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