  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part 1 National Assembly for Wales

    1. The Assembly

      1. 1.The Assembly

      2. 2.Assembly constituencies and electoral regions

    2. General elections

      1. 3.Ordinary general elections

      2. 4.Power to vary date of ordinary general election

      3. 5.Extraordinary general elections

      4. 6.Voting at general elections

      5. 7.Candidates at general elections

      6. 8.Calculation of electoral region figures

      7. 9.Allocation of seats to electoral region members

    3. Vacancies

      1. 10.Constituency vacancies

      2. 11.Electoral region vacancies

    4. Franchise and conduct of elections

      1. 12.Entitlement to vote

      2. 13.Power to make provision about elections etc.

    5. Duration of membership

      1. 14.Term of office of Assembly members

      2. 15.Resignation of members

    6. Disqualification

      1. 16.Disqualification from being Assembly member

      2. 17.Exceptions and relief from disqualification

      3. 18.Effect of disqualification

      4. 19.Judicial proceedings as to disqualification

    7. Remuneration, oaths etc.

      1. 20.Remuneration of Assembly members

      2. 21.Limit on salaries of Assembly members

      3. 22.Remuneration: supplementary

      4. 23.Oath or affirmation of allegiance

      5. 24.Assistance to groups of Assembly members

    8. Presiding Officer and administration

      1. 25.Presiding Officer etc.

      2. 26.Clerk of Assembly

      3. 27.Assembly Commission

    9. Committees

      1. 28.Committees and sub-committees

      2. 29.Composition of committees

      3. 30.Audit Committee

    10. Proceedings etc.

      1. 31.Standing orders

      2. 32.Participation by UK Ministers etc.

      3. 33.Consultation about UK Government’s legislative programme

      4. 34.Participation by Counsel General

      5. 35.Equality of treatment

      6. 36.Integrity

    11. Witnesses and documents

      1. 37.Power to call

      2. 38.Notice

      3. 39.Offences

      4. 40.General

    12. Legal issues

      1. 41.Proceedings by or against Assembly etc.

      2. 42.Defamation

      3. 43.Contempt of court

      4. 44.Corrupt practices

  3. Part 2 Welsh Assembly Government

    1. Government

      1. 45.Welsh Assembly Government

    2. Ministers, staff etc.

      1. 46.The First Minister

      2. 47.Choice of First Minister

      3. 48.Welsh Ministers

      4. 49.Counsel General

      5. 50.Deputy Welsh Ministers

      6. 51.Limit on number of Ministers

      7. 52.Staff

    3. Remuneration, oaths etc.

      1. 53.Remuneration

      2. 54.Remuneration: supplementary

      3. 55.Oath or affirmation

    4. Functions

      1. 56.Introduction

      2. 57.Exercise of functions

      3. 58.Transfer of Ministerial functions

      4. 59.Implementation of Community law

      5. 60.Promotion etc. of well-being

      6. 61.Support of culture etc.

      7. 62.Representations about matters affecting Wales

      8. 63.Consultation about cross-border bodies

      9. 64.Polls for ascertaining views of the public

      10. 65.Private bills

      11. 66.Provision of information to Treasury

      12. 67.Legal proceedings

      13. 68.Contracts

      14. 69.Charges for documents

      15. 70.Financial assistance

      16. 71.Supplementary

    5. “Inclusive” approach to exercise of functions

      1. 72.Partnership Council

      2. 73.Local government scheme

      3. 74.Voluntary sector scheme

      4. 75.Business scheme

      5. 76.Regulatory impact assessments

      6. 77.Equality of opportunity

      7. 78.The Welsh language

      8. 79.Sustainable development

    6. Community law, human rights and international obligations etc.

      1. 80.Community law

      2. 81.Human rights

      3. 82.International obligations etc.

    7. Functions: supplementary

      1. 83.Agency arrangements and provision of services

      2. 84.Different exercise of functions by Welsh Ministers etc.

      3. 85.Construction of references to Ministers and departments

      4. 86.Laying of reports and statements

    8. Property, rights and liabilities

      1. 87.Property, rights and liabilities of Welsh Ministers etc.

      2. 88.Transfer of Ministerial property, rights and liabilities

    9. Supplementary

      1. 89.Rights and liabilities of the Crown in different capacities

      2. 90.Documents

      3. 91.Validity of acts

      4. 92.Official secrets

  4. Part 3 Assembly Measures

    1. Power

      1. 93.Assembly Measures

      2. 94.Legislative competence

      3. 95.Legislative competence: supplementary

      4. 96.Scrutiny of proposed Orders in Council

    2. Procedure

      1. 97.Introduction of proposed Assembly Measures

      2. 98.Proceedings on proposed Assembly Measures

      3. 99.Scrutiny of proposed Assembly Measures by Supreme Court

      4. 100.ECJ references

      5. 101.Power to intervene in certain cases

      6. 102.Approval of proposed Assembly Measures

  5. Part 4 Acts of the Assembly

    1. Referendum

      1. 103.Referendum about commencement of Assembly Act provisions

      2. 104.Proposal for referendum by Assembly

      3. 105.Commencement of Assembly Act provisions

      4. 106.Effect on Measures of commencement of Assembly Act provisions

    2. Power

      1. 107.Acts of the Assembly

      2. 108.Legislative competence

      3. 109.Legislative competence: supplementary

    3. Procedure

      1. 110.Introduction of Bills

      2. 111.Proceedings on Bills

      3. 112.Scrutiny of Bills by Supreme Court

      4. 113.ECJ references

      5. 114.Power to intervene in certain cases

      6. 115.Royal Assent

      7. 116.Welsh Seal and Letters Patent

  6. Part 5 Finance

    1. Welsh Consolidated Fund

      1. 117.Welsh Consolidated Fund

    2. Payments into Welsh Consolidated Fund

      1. 118.Grants

      2. 119.Statement of estimated payments

      3. 120.Destination of receipts

    3. Borrowing

      1. 121.Borrowing by Welsh Ministers

      2. 122.Lending by Secretary of State

      3. 123.Accounts relating to loans

    4. Expenditure

      1. 124.Payments out of Welsh Consolidated Fund

      2. 125.Annual Budget motions

      3. 126.Supplementary Budget motions

      4. 127.Appropriation without Budget resolution

      5. 128.Contingencies

      6. 129.Approvals to draw

      7. 130.Payments in by mistake

    5. Financial accountability of Welsh Ministers

      1. 131.Welsh Ministers' accounts

      2. 132.Account relating to Welsh Consolidated Fund

      3. 133.Accounting officers for Welsh Ministers

      4. 134.Accounts of subsidiaries of Welsh Ministers

      5. 135.Examinations into Welsh Ministers' use of resources

      6. 136.Examinations by Comptroller and Auditor General

    6. Financial accountability of Assembly Commission

      1. 137.Assembly Commission’s accounts

      2. 138.Accounting officers for Assembly Commission

      3. 139.Accounts of subsidiaries of Assembly Commission

      4. 140.Examinations into Assembly Commission’s use of resources

    7. Whole of Government of Wales accounts

      1. 141.Whole of government accounts: Welsh Ministers

      2. 142.Functions of Auditor General

    8. Treatment of accounts and audit reports etc.

      1. 143.Audit Committee reports

      2. 144.Publication of accounts and audit reports etc.

    9. Auditor General for Wales

      1. 145.Auditor General

  7. Part 6 Miscellaneous and supplementary

    1. Welsh public records

      1. 146.Status of Welsh public records

      2. 147.Transfer of responsibility

      3. 148.Meaning of “Welsh public records”

    2. Miscellaneous

      1. 149.Resolution of devolution issues

      2. 150.Power to make consequential provision

      3. 151.Power to remedy ultra vires acts

      4. 152.Intervention in case of functions relating to water etc.

      5. 153.Power to vary retrospective decisions

      6. 154.Interpretation of legislation

      7. 155.Functions exercisable in relation to Wales

      8. 156.English and Welsh texts of legislation

    3. Supplementary

      1. 157.Orders and directions

      2. 158.Interpretation

      3. 159.Index of defined expressions

      4. 160.Minor and consequential amendments

      5. 161.Commencement

      6. 162.Transitional etc. provision

      7. 163.Repeals and revocations

      8. 164.Financial provision

      9. 165.Extent

      10. 166.Short title


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Alteration of Assembly electoral regions

      1. 1.Introduction

      2. 2.Assembly electoral region issue

      3. 3.Notice of Committee’s proposed recommendations

      4. 4.Local inquiries

      5. 5.Committee’s report

      6. 6.Consideration of Committee’s report by Commission

      7. 7.Directions by Commission to Committee

      8. 8.Commission’s report

      9. 9.Rules

      10. 10.Orders in Council giving effect to Commission reports

      11. 11.Interpretation: the regional electorate

      12. 12.Interpretation: general

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Assembly Commission

      1. 1.Membership

      2. 2.Property

      3. 3.Staff

      4. 4.Powers

      5. 5.Promotion of awareness of election system and devolved government

      6. 6.The Assembly Commission may provide financial assistance to the Electoral...

      7. 7.Delegation

      8. 8.Principles in accordance with which functions are to be exercised

      9. 9.Annual report

      10. 10.Validity of acts

      11. 11.Proceedings

      12. 12.Crown status

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Transfer etc. of functions: further provisions

      1. Part 1 Functions transferable etc.

        1. 1.Existing and future functions

        2. 2.Functions relating to culture

        3. 3.Cross-border functions

        4. 4.Functions exercisable beyond the territorial sea

      2. Part 2 Exercise of transferred functions

        1. 5.Community obligations

        2. 6.Agreement or consultation: Ministers and Parliament

        3. 7.(1) This paragraph applies where a function is exercisable by...

        4. 8.Agreement or consultation etc.: Assembly and Assembly Commission

        5. 9.Parliamentary and Assembly procedure

        6. 10.Laying of reports and statements

        7. 11.Powers to lend money

      3. Part 3 Supplementary

        1. 12.References to Minister of the Crown etc.

        2. 13.Saving

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Transfers of ministerial property, rights and liabilities

      1. 1.General transfer of property, rights and liabilities

      2. 2.(1) An Order in Council under section 58 may provide...

      3. 3.Power to make specific transfers etc.

      4. 4.Supplementary

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Assembly Measures

      1. Part 1 Matters

      2. Part 2 General restrictions

        1. 1.Functions of Ministers of the Crown

        2. 2.Criminal offences

        3. 3.Enactments other than this Act

        4. 4.A provision of an Assembly Measure cannot make modifications of,...

        5. 5.A provision of an Assembly Measure cannot make modifications of,...

        6. 6.This Act

      3. Part 3 Exceptions from Part 2

        1. 7.Functions of Ministers of the Crown

        2. 8.Comptroller and Auditor General

        3. 9.Restatement

        4. 10.Subordinate legislation

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Referendums on commencement of Assembly Act provisions

      1. 1.Entitlement to vote

      2. 2.Conduct etc. of referendum

      3. 3.Referendum question and statement

      4. 4.Date of referendum

      5. 5.Referendum period

      6. 6.Combination of polls

      7. 7.Encouraging voting

      8. 8.Provision of information to voters

      9. 9.Referendum material

      10. 10.Funding and accounts

      11. 11.An Order in Council under section 103(1) must include provision...

      12. 12.No legal challenge to referendum result

      13. 13.Supplementary

      14. 14.Interpretation

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Acts of the Assembly

      1. Part 1 Subjects

        1. 1.Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development

        2. 2.Ancient monuments and historic buildings

        3. 3.Culture

        4. 4.Economic development

        5. 5.Education and training

        6. 6.Environment

        7. 7.Fire and rescue services and promotion of fire safety

        8. 8.Food

        9. 9.Health and health services

        10. 10.Highways and transport

        11. 11.Housing

        12. 12.Local government

        13. 13.National Assembly for Wales

        14. 14.Public administration

        15. 15.Social welfare

        16. 16.Sport and recreation

        17. 17.Tourism

        18. 18.Town and country planning

        19. 19.Water and flood defence

        20. 20.Welsh language

      2. Part 2 General restrictions

        1. 1.Functions of a Minister of the Crown

        2. 2.Enactments other than this Act

        3. 3.A provision of an Act of the Assembly cannot make...

        4. 4.A provision of an Act of the Assembly cannot make...

        5. 5.This Act

      3. Part 3 Exceptions from Part 2

        1. 6.Functions of Ministers of the Crown

        2. 7.Comptroller and Auditor General

        3. 8.Restatement

        4. 9.Subordinate legislation

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Auditor General for Wales

      1. 1.Appointment

      2. 2.Tenure

      3. 3.Independence and status

      4. 4.Corporation sole

      5. 5.Documents

      6. 6.Remuneration

      7. 7.Staff

      8. 8.Exercise of functions by staff etc.

      9. 9.Special finance provisions

      10. 10.Borrowing

      11. 11.Fees

      12. 12.Estimates

      13. 13.Accounts

      14. 14.Auditor

      15. 15.Audit of accounts

      16. 16.Accounting officer

      17. 17.Access to documents

      18. 18.Other powers

      19. 19.Reports in public interest

      20. 20.Certification of claims, returns etc.

      21. 21.Ancillary powers

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Devolution issues

      1. Part 1 Preliminary

        1. 1.(1) In this Schedule “devolution issue” means—

        2. 2.A devolution issue is not to be taken to arise...

      2. Part 2 Proceedings in England and Wales

        1. 3.Application of Part 2

        2. 4.Institution of proceedings

        3. 5.Notice of devolution issue

        4. 6.Reference of devolution issue to High Court or Court of Appeal

        5. 7.(1) A court may refer any devolution issue which arises...

        6. 8.A tribunal from which there is no appeal must refer...

        7. 9.A court, other than the Court of Appeal or the...

        8. 10.References from Court of Appeal to Supreme Court

        9. 11.Appeals from superior courts to Supreme Court

      3. Part 3 Proceedings in Scotland

        1. 12.Application of Part 3

        2. 13.Institution of proceedings

        3. 14.Intimation of devolution issue

        4. 15.Reference of devolution issue to higher court

        5. 16.A tribunal from which there is no appeal must refer...

        6. 17.A court, other than any court consisting of two or...

        7. 18.References from superior courts to Supreme Court

        8. 19.Any court consisting of two or more judges of the...

        9. 20.Appeals from superior courts to Supreme Court

        10. 21.An appeal against a determination of a devolution issue by—...

      4. Part 4 Proceedings in Northern Ireland

        1. 22.Application of Part 4

        2. 23.Institution of proceedings

        3. 24.Notice of devolution issue

        4. 25.Reference of devolution issue to Court of Appeal

        5. 26.A tribunal from which there is no appeal must refer...

        6. 27.References from Court of Appeal to Supreme Court

        7. 28.Appeals from Court of Appeal to Supreme Court

      5. Part 5 General

        1. 29.Direct references to Supreme Court

        2. 30.(1) The Attorney General or the Counsel General may refer...

        3. 31.Costs

        4. 32.Procedure of courts and tribunals

        5. 33.References to be for decision

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Minor and consequential amendments

      1. 1.Statutory Instruments Act 1946 (c. 36)

      2. 2.In section 1 (definition of “statutory instrument”), for subsection (1A)...

      3. 3.After section 11 insert— Application in relation to Wales (1) References in this Act to any Act include references...

      4. 4.Laying of Documents before Parliament (Interpretation) Act 1948 (c. 59)

      5. 5.Defamation Act 1952 (c. 66)

      6. 6.Defamation Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 (c. 11 (N.I.))

      7. 7.Public Records Act 1958 (c. 51)

      8. 8.Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 (c. 13)

      9. 9.Pensions (Increase) Act 1971 (c. 56)

      10. 10.Local Government Act 1974 (c. 7)

      11. 11.Interpretation Act 1978 (c. 30)

      12. 12.Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 (c. 65)

      13. 13.Mental Health Act 1983 (c. 20)

      14. 14.National Audit Act 1983 (c. 44)

      15. 15.(1) Section 6 (departments, authorities and bodies subject to examinations...

      16. 16.(1) Section 8 (right to obtain documents and information) is...

      17. 17.(1) Section 9 (reports to House of Commons) is amended...

      18. 18.Insolvency Act 1986 (c. 45)

      19. 19.Public Order Act 1986 (c. 64)

      20. 20.Finance Act 1987 (c. 16)

      21. 21.Local Government Finance Act 1988 (c. 41)

      22. 22.Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48)

      23. 23.In section 12(9) (duration of copyright in literary, dramatic, musical...

      24. 24.In section 49 (public records), for “the Government of Wales...

      25. 25.In section 153(2) (qualification for copyright protection), for “166B” substitute...

      26. 26.(1) Section 163 (Crown copyright) is amended as follows.

      27. 27.(1) Section 164 (copyright in Acts and Measures) is amended...

      28. 28.After section 166B insert— Copyright in proposed Measures of the...

      29. 29.(1) Section 178 (minor definitions) is amended as follows.

      30. 30.In section 179 (index of defined expressions), in column 2...

      31. 31.(1) Section 263(1) (Part 3: minor definitions) is amended as...

      32. 32.In paragraph 10(1) of Schedule 2 (public records), for “the...

      33. 33.Housing Act 1988 (c. 50)

      34. 34.Official Secrets Act 1989 (c. 6)

      35. 35.Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (c. 8)

      36. 36.Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (c. 9)

      37. 37.Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 (c. 10)

      38. 38.Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1992 (c. 53)

      39. 39.Value Added Tax Act 1994 (c. 23)

      40. 40.Defamation Act 1996 (c. 31)

      41. 41.Government of Wales Act 1998 (c. 38)

      42. 42.(1) Section 28 (reform of other Welsh public bodies) is...

      43. 43.(1) Section 104 (Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and...

      44. 44.(1) Section 105 (Forestry Commissioners) is amended as follows.

      45. 45.(1) Section 144 (power of Secretary of State by order...

      46. 46.(1) Section 145 (examinations by Auditor General into discharge of...

      47. 47.In section 145A(5) (studies by Auditor General into discharge of...

      48. 48.(1) Section 145C (studies by Auditor General into discharge of...

      49. 49.In section 146(4) (power of Secretary of State by order...

      50. 50.(1) Section 146A (transfer etc. of supervisory functions from the...

      51. 51.(1) Section 147 (power of Secretary of State by order...

      52. 52.In section 151(2) (power to make consequential amendments), for “22”...

      53. 53.(1) Section 154 (orders and directions) is amended as follows....

      54. 54.(1) Section 155 (interpretation) is amended as follows.

      55. 55.(1) Schedule 7 (Forestry Commissioners) is amended as follows.

      56. 56.Human Rights Act 1998 (c. 42)

      57. 57.Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (c. 20)

      58. 58.Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41)

      59. 59.In section 8(3)(b) (functions exercisable only on recommendation of Electoral...

      60. 60.In section 10(6) (bodies to which Electoral Commission may give...

      61. 61.In section 13 (power of Electoral Commission to promote public...

      62. 62.Finance Act 2003 (c. 14)

      63. 63.In section 61(3) (stamp duty land tax: compliance with planning...

      64. 64.In section 66(4) (stamp duty land tax: transfers involving public...

      65. 65.In section 107(2) (stamp duty land tax: Crown application)—

      66. 66.Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (c. 5)

      67. 67.Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act 2005 (c. 10)

      68. 68.In section 7(3)(b) (relevant action: Welsh health service bodies), for...

      69. 69.In section 8(2) (exclusion from investigation for matters not relating...

      70. 70.In section 9(1)(b) (exclusion from investigation of matters: right of...

      71. 71.(1) Section 10 (other excluded matters) is amended as follows....

      72. 72.In section 12 (decisions not to investigate etc.), omit subsection...

      73. 73.(1) Section 16 (reports of investigations) is amended as follows....

      74. 74.In section 21 (reports: alternative procedure), omit subsection (11).

      75. 75.In section 23 (special reports: supplementary), omit subsection (6).

      76. 76.(1) Section 24 (special reports relating to the Assembly) is...

      77. 77.(1) Section 25 (consultation and co-operation with other ombudsmen) is...

      78. 78.(1) Section 28 (listed authorities) is amended as follows.

      79. 79.(1) Section 29 (restrictions on power to amend Schedule 3)...

      80. 80.(1) Section 30 (provisions in orders adding persons to Schedule...

      81. 81.In section 40 (commencement), for “Assembly” substitute “Welsh Ministers”.

      82. 82.(1) Section 41 (interpretation) is amended as follows.

      83. 83.(1) Section 42 (former health care providers and social landlords)...

      84. 84.(1) Section 43 (consequential and transitional provision) is amended as...

      85. 85.(1) Section 44 (orders, regulations and directions) is amended as...

      86. 86.(1) Schedule 1 (Public Service Ombudsman for Wales: appointment etc.)...

      87. 87.In paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 (excluded matters), for “Assembly”...

      88. 88.In Schedule 3 (listed authorities), under the heading “Government of...

      89. 89.Inquiries Act 2005 (c. 12)

      90. 90.In section 1(2) (“Ministers” who may cause inquiries to be...

      91. 91.(1) Section 27 (United Kingdom inquiries) is amended as follows....

      92. 92.In section 28(4) (Scottish inquiries), for “National Assembly for Wales”...

      93. 93.(1) Section 29 (Welsh inquiries) is amended as follows.

      94. 94.In section 30(5) (Northern Ireland inquiries), for “National Assembly for...

      95. 95.(1) Section 41 (rules) is amended as follows.

      96. 96.In section 43(1) (interpretation), in the definition of “the relevant...

      97. 97.In section 51(2) (commencement), for “National Assembly for Wales” substitute...

    11. SCHEDULE 11

      Transitional provisions

      1. 1.Alteration of Assembly electoral regions

      2. 2.2007 election to be election to Assembly constituted by this Act

      3. 3.First meeting after 2007 election

      4. 4.Date of 2011 election

      5. 5.No dual constituency and regional candidacy

      6. 6.(1) Section 7 of that Act (return of electoral region...

      7. 7.Electoral region vacancies before first general election etc.

      8. 8.Election orders

      9. 9.Term of office of Assembly members

      10. 10.Disqualification Orders

      11. 11.Disqualification of Lords of Appeal in Ordinary

      12. 12.Remuneration of Assembly members etc.

      13. 13.An order under section 17 of the Government of Wales...

      14. 14.Publication of information about remuneration of Assembly members

      15. 15.Assistance to groups of Assembly members

      16. 16.First Presiding Officer

      17. 17.First Clerk

      18. 18.Promotion of awareness of election system and devolved government

      19. 19.Crown status of Assembly Commission

      20. 20.Standing orders

      21. 21.Witnesses and documents: penalties

      22. 22.Exercise of functions before appointment of first First Minister

      23. 23.(1) This paragraph and paragraph 24 have effect during the...

      24. 24.(1) This paragraph applies to functions of the Assembly constituted...

      25. 25.(1) Where a function of making, confirming or approving subordinate...

      26. 26.Saving for existing instruments conferring or imposing functions

      27. 27.Orders under section 27 of the Government of Wales Act...

      28. 28.(1) Designations made under section 2(2) of the European Communities...

      29. 29.First nomination of First Minister

      30. 30.Transfer of Assembly functions

      31. 31.(1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council provide for—...

      32. 32.(1) This paragraph applies so far as may be necessary...

      33. 33.Functions transferred by Order in Council under section 22 of the Government of Wales Act 1998: Parliamentary and Assembly procedure

      34. 34.Functions conferred or imposed by pre-commencement enactment: Parliamentary and Assembly procedure

      35. 35.(1) This paragraph applies where— (a) a function to make...

      36. 36.Transfers of Assembly functions: laying of reports and statements

      37. 37.(1) This paragraph applies where— (a) a function to make...

      38. 38.Transfers of Assembly functions: property, rights and liabilities

      39. 39.(1) The property, rights and liabilities to which the Assembly...

      40. 40.(1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council provide that...

      41. 41.(1) The Secretary of State may by order provide for...

      42. 42.(1) A certificate issued by the Secretary of State that...

      43. 43.Staff of the Assembly

      44. 44.Powers to lend money

      45. 45.Local government scheme

      46. 46.Voluntary sector scheme

      47. 47.Equality of opportunity arrangements

      48. 48.Welsh language strategy and scheme

      49. 49.Sustainable development scheme

      50. 50.Orders in Council amending Schedule 5

      51. 51.Section 96 has effect until the end of the initial...

      52. 52.Assembly Measures: criminal penalties

      53. 53.Welsh Consolidated Fund

      54. 54.Grants

      55. 55.Statement of estimated payments

      56. 56.Destination of receipts

      57. 57.Borrowing

      58. 58.Payments out of Welsh Consolidated Fund.

      59. 59.Until the end of the initial period—

      60. 60.Annual Budget motions

      61. 61.Supplementary Budget motions

      62. 62.Contingencies

      63. 63.Approvals to draw

      64. 64.Auditor General

      65. 65.Advocate General for Northern Ireland

      66. 66.The Supreme Court

      67. 67.(1) This paragraph has effect until the coming into force...

    12. SCHEDULE 12

      Repeals and revocations