Section 57: Organisations relating to religion or belief
216.Section 57 creates an exception from this Part for organisations whose purpose is to practice, advance or teach a religion or belief, to enable people of a certain religion or belief to benefit from or engage in religious activities, or to improve relations, or maintain good relations, between people of different religions or beliefs. This does not include an organisation whose sole or main purpose is commercial.
217.Subsection (3) provides that it is not unlawful under this Part for an organisation, or anyone acting on behalf of or under the auspices of an organisation;
to restrict membership of the organisation;
to restrict participation in activities undertaken by the organisation or on its behalf or under its auspices;
to restrict the provision of goods, facilities and services in the course of its activities or on its behalf or under its auspices; or
to restrict the use or disposal of premises.
218.Subsection (4) provides that it is not unlawful under this section for a minister of religion (as defined in subsection (6)), acting in connection with an organisation to which this section relates:
to restrict participation in activities carried on in the performance of his functions in relation to that organisation; or
to restrict the provision of goods, facilities or services in the course of such activities,
219.Subsection (5) limits the restrictions described in subsections (3) and (4) to those imposed (a) by reason of or on the grounds of the organisation’s purposes, or (b) in order to avoid causing offence on grounds of that organisation’s religion or belief, to persons of that religion or belief.