Section 10: Olympic Transport Plan
31.The ODA will be required to prepare and keep under review an Olympic Transport Plan (OTP). The OTP will set out the transport plans for the Games and details of how they are to be implemented. The Act requires the OTP to address a number of matters including, for example, the construction of transport facilities, transport arrangements to and from events, the Olympic Route Network, road closures and restrictions and guidance on implementation of the plan.
32.When preparing for or revising the plan the ODA will be required to consult the bodies named on the face of the Act and any others it think appropriate. The consultee bodies are those who will be implementing the OTP or those whose remit may include matters to be addressed by the OTP. The ODA will also be required to have regard to the Mayor’s transport, spatial development and economic development strategies, to ensure that transport arrangements within London in particular are in harmony and relevant bodies and authorities are not being asked to deliver conflicting plans. The OTP is to be published.