Civil Partnership Act 2004 Explanatory Notes

Section 175: Bars to relief where civil partnership is voidable

328.Subsection (1) provides that the court must not make a nullity order on the grounds that a civil partnership is voidable if the respondent satisfies the court that the applicant acted towards the respondent in such a way as to indicate that he or she would not apply for a nullity order and that it would be unjust to the respondent to make the order now.

329.Subsection (2) establishes that an application for a nullity order on the grounds that a civil partnership is voidable (other than in the circumstances dealt with by subsection (5) below) must be made within 3 years of the date of formation of the civil partnership. However subsections (3) and (4) permit the court to allow later applications where it is just to do so on the basis that the applicant suffered from mental disorder at some time during the 3-year period.

330.Where the application is made on the ground that an interim gender recognition certificate has been issued under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 after the date of formation of the civil partnership, the time limit under subsection (5) is 6 months from the date of issue of that certificate.

331.Subsection (6) provides that, where the application is made on the grounds of pregnancy at the time of formation of the civil partnership, or a change of gender previous to that date, a nullity order must not be made unless the court is satisfied that the applicant did not know of the relevant facts at the time of formation of the civil partnership.

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