Explanatory Notes

Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004

2004 CHAPTER 27

28 October 2004

Commentary on Sections

Part 1:  Auditors, Accounts, Directors' Liabilities and Investigations

Chapter 3: Directors' liabilities
Section 19 - Relaxation of prohibition on provisions protecting directors etc. from liability

107.Section 19 does two things:

108.New section 309A begins by restating the core prohibition on companies exempting directors from, or indemnifying them against, liability.  Many of the key elements are retained from the previous form of section 310 of the 1985 Act.  In particular:

109.There are however some important changes from the previous form of section 310 of the Companies Act 1985.  New section 309A:

110.New section 309B explains that a QTPIP must satisfy three conditions:

Condition A is that the provision does not indemnify the director against a liability to the company or to any associated company;

Condition B is that the provision does not indemnify the director against payment of a criminal fine or a regulatory penalty (such as a fine imposed by the Financial Services Authority);

Condition C is that the provision does not indemnify the director against any liability incurred:


in defending any criminal proceedings in which he is convicted;


in defending any civil proceedings brought by the company, or an associated company, in which judgment is given against him;


in an unsuccessful application for relief from liability under the provisions for relief in the Companies Act.

111.New section 309B(5), 309B(6)  and 309B(7) explain when legal proceedings will be considered to have concluded in respect of Condition C.

112.New section 309C requires the company to make two forms of disclosure about indemnification by the company or an associated company:

113.Section 19 also amends section 310 of the Companies Act 1985 by removing the references to directors and officers of the company.  Section 310 now applies only to auditors, with new sections 309A, 309B and 309C setting out the prohibition and related provisions in respect of directors.  Other officers, such as the company secretary, are no longer covered.