Water Act 2003 Explanatory Notes

Sections 81 to 83 Water conservation

378.Provisions in sections 81 to 83 are devolved to the Assembly.

379. .Section 81: Duty to encourage water conservation.

This section places a new duty on the Secretary of State to take appropriate steps to encourage water conservation and report to Parliament on progress every three years. This new duty will give statutory effect to a number of existing discretionary measures and encourage new initiatives to further water conservation. A similar duty will apply to the National Assembly of Wales.

380. .Section 82: Water conservation: requirements on relevant undertakers.

This section amends the WIA, adding to water undertakers’ general environmental duties in relation to their functions the duty to further water conservation. The new duty applies when undertakers formulate or consider any proposals relating to any of their functions.

381. .Section 83: Water conservation by public authorities.

This section requires all public authorities, as defined in the section, to take into account, where relevant, the desirability of conserving water supplied to premises. This applies to both their actual use of water and where their functions might have an impact on water use. This is not intended to restrict justifiable water use, but to ensure consideration of water conservation in the development of policies and activities.

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