Explanatory Notes

Communications Act 2003

2003 CHAPTER 21

17 July 2003

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Networks, Services and the Radio Spectrum

Chapter 1: Electronic Communications Networks and Services
Section 77: Imposition of privileged supplier conditions

198.Where a public electronic communications provider enjoys special or exclusive rights in relation to the provision of services in other sectors (other than the provision of associated facilities), OFCOM must set such privileged supplier conditions as they think fit (unless that provider has an annual turnover in relation to all of his communications activities of less than €50 million, in which case OFCOM are not obliged to impose a condition, but may do so if they wish). Such conditions can require such providers to keep separate accounts (all of which should be audited and published), or to have structural separation between different activities. This implements Article 13 of the Framework Directive.