Please note:
All reference to 'Parts' and 'sections' are from the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003. For other versions of these Explanatory Notes, see More Resources.
Part 2: Employment income: charge to tax
Section 20: Taxable earnings under this Chapter: introduction
Section 25: UK-based earnings for year when employee resident, but not ordinarily resident, in UK
Section 26: Foreign earnings for year when employee resident, but not ordinarily resident, in UK
Section 27: UK-based earnings for year when employee not resident in UK
Section 28: Meaning of “general earnings from overseas Crown employment subject to UK tax”
Section 30: Treatment of earnings for year in which employment not held
Section 34: Earnings remitted to the UK: further provisions about UK-linked debts
Section 39: Duties in UK merely incidental to duties outside UK
Chapter 8: Application of provisions to workers under arrangements made by intermediaries
Section 50: Worker treated as receiving earnings from employment
Section 51: Conditions of liability where intermediary is a company
Section 52: Conditions of liability where intermediary is a partnership
Section 53: Conditions of liability where intermediary is an individual
Section 55: Application of rules relating to earnings from employment
Section 56: Application of Income Tax Acts in relation to deemed employment
Section 57: Earlier date of deemed employment payment in certain cases
Section 59: Provisions applicable to multiple intermediaries
Part 3: Employment income: earnings and benefits etc. treated as earnings
Section 83: Provision for, or receipt by, member of employee’s family
Section 85: Non-cash voucher made available to public generally
Section 86: Transport vouchers under pre-26March 1982 arrangements
Section 91: Provision for, or use by, member of employee’s family
Section 96: Dispensations relating to vouchers or credit-tokens
Chapter 5: Taxable benefits: living accommodation
Section 97: Living accommodation to which this Chapter applies
Section 99: Accommodation provided for performance of duties
Section 100: Accommodation provided as result of security threat
Section 102: Benefit of living accommodation treated as earnings
Section 104: General rule for calculating cost of providing accommodation
Section 105: Cash equivalent: cost of accommodation not over £75,000
Section 106: Cash equivalent: cost of accommodation over £75,000
Section 107: Special rule for calculating cost of providing accommodation
Section 108: Cash equivalent: accommodation provided for more than one employee
Section 109: Priority of this Chapter over Chapter 1 of this Part
Section 112: Meaning of “person involved in providing the accommodation”
Chapter 6: Taxable benefits: cars, vans and related benefits
Section 116: Meaning of when car or van is available to employee
Section 117: Meaning of car or van made available by reason of employment
Section 121: Method of calculating the cash equivalent of the benefit of a car
Section 126: Amounts taken into account in respect of accessories
Section 128: Accessory: published price of the car manufacturer etc.
Section 129: Accessory: published price of the accessory manufacturer etc.
Section 134: Meaning of car with or without a CO2 emissions figure
Section 135: Car with a CO2 emissions figure: pre-October 1999 registration
Section 136: Car with a CO2 emissions figure: post-September 1999 registration
Section 138: Car with a CO2 emissions figure: automatic car for a disabled employee
Section 139: Car with a CO2 emissions figure: the appropriate percentage
Section 140: Car without a CO2 emissions figure: the appropriate percentage
Section 142: Car first registered before 1st January 1998: the appropriate percentage
Section 145: Modification of provisions where car temporarily replaced
Section 148: Reduction of cash equivalent where car is shared
Section 152: Car fuel: proportionate reduction of cash equivalent
Section 155: Method of calculating the cash equivalent of the benefit of a van
Section 158: Deduction for periods of unavailability or shared use
Section 161: Value of shared availability: normal calculation
Section 162: Shared van: meaning of “participating employee”
Section 164: Value of shared availability: alternative calculation
Section 169: Car available to more than one member of family or household employed by same employer
Section 172: Minor definitions: equipment to enable a disabled person to use a car
Chapter 7: Taxable Benefits: Loans
Section 175: Benefit of taxable cheap loan treated as earnings
Section 176: Exception for loans on ordinary commercial terms
Section 178: Exceptions for loans where interest qualifies for tax relief
Section 179: Exception for certain advances for necessary expenses
Section 180: Threshold for benefit of loan to be treated as earnings
Section 185: Apportionment of cash equivalent in case of joint loan etc.
Section 187: Aggregation of loans by close company to director
Section 188: Loan released or written off: amount treated as earnings
Section 191: Claim for relief to take account of event after assessment
Chapter 8: Taxable benefits: notional loans in respect of acquisitions of shares
Chapter 9: Taxable benefits: disposals of shares for more than market value
Chapter 10: Taxable benefits: residual liability to charge
Chapter 11: Taxable benefits: exclusion of lower-paid employments from parts of benefits code
Chapter 12: Payments treated as earnings
Section 221: Payments where employee absent because of sickness or disability
Section 222: Payments by employer on account of tax where deduction not possible
Section 223: Payments on account of director’s tax other than by the director
Section 224: Payments to non-approved personal pension arrangements
Section 226: Valuable consideration given for restrictive undertakings
Part 4: Employment income: exemptions
Chapter 2: Exemptions: mileage allowances and passenger payments
Chapter 3: Exemptions: other transport, travel and subsistence
Section 241: Incidental overnight expenses and benefits: overall exemption limit
Section 245: Travelling and subsistence during public transport strikes
Section 246: Transport between work and home for disabled employees: general
Section 248: Transport home: late night working and failure of car-sharing arrangements
Chapter 4: Exemptions: education and training
Section 253: Exception where provision for excluded purposes
Section 255: Exemption for contributions to individual learning account training
Section 256: Meaning of “individual learning account training”
Section 258: Exception where provision for excluded purposes
Section 260: Exception where training not generally available to staff
Chapter 7: Exemptions: Removal benefits and expenses
Section 271: Limited exemption of removal benefits and expenses: general
Section 272: Removal benefits and expenses to which section 271 applies
Section 276: Meaning of “residence”, “former residence” and “new residence” etc.
Section 282: Exclusion from section 281 of benefits and expenses where deduction allowed
Section 283: Exclusion from section 281 of taxable car and van facilities
Section 288: Limited exemption of certain bridging loans connected with employment moves
Section 289: Relief for certain bridging loans not qualifying for exemption under section 288
Chapter 8: Exemptions: Special kinds of employees
Section 290: Accommodation benefits of ministers of religion
Section 291: Termination payments to MPs and others ceasing to hold office
Section 293: Overnight expenses of other elected representatives
Section 294: EU travel expenses of MPs and other representatives
Section 295: Transport and subsistence for Government ministers etc.
Section 298: Reserve and auxiliary forces’ training allowances
Section 303: Visiting forces and staff of designated allied headquarters
Section 305: Offshore oil and gas workers: mainland transfers
Section 306: Miners etc.: coal and allowances in lieu of coal
Ne = £5,000; Da = 183; De = 183; Smg = 0
Section 316: Accommodation, supplies and services used in employment duties
Section 326: Expenses incidental to transfer of a kind not normally met by transferor
Part 5: Employment income: deductions allowed from earnings
Section 355: Deduction for corresponding payments by non-domiciled employees with foreign employers
Section 356: Disallowance of business entertainment and gifts expenses
Section 357: Business entertainment and gifts: exception where employer’s expenses disallowed
Section 358: Business entertainment and gifts: other exceptions
Section 359: Disallowance of travel expenses: mileage allowances and reliefs
Section 360: Disallowance of certain accommodation expenses of MPs and other representatives
Chapter 5: Deductions for earnings representing benefits or reimbursed expenses
Travel costs and expenses of non-domiciled employees where duties performed in UK
Section 373: Non-domiciled employee’s travel costs and expenses where duties performed in UK
Section 376: Foreign accommodation and subsistence costs and expenses (overseas employments)
Section 377: Costs and expenses in respect of personal security assets and services
Part 6: Employment income: income which is not earnings or share-related
Chapter 1: Payments to non-approved pension schemes
Section 386: Charge on payments to non-approved retirement benefits schemes
Section 387: Meaning of “non-approved retirement benefits scheme”
Section 388: Apportionment of payments in respect of more than one employee
Section 389: Exception: employments where earnings charged on remittance
Section 390: Exception: non-domiciled employees with foreign employers
Chapter 2: Benefits from non-approved schemes
Section 394: Charge on benefit to which this Chapter applies
Section 395: Application of sections 396 and 397: general rules
Section 396: Certain lump sums not taxed by virtue of section 394
Section 397: Certain lump sums: calculation of amount taxed by virtue of section 394
Section 399: Employment-related loans: interest treated as paid
Chapter 3: Payments and benefits on termination of employment etc.
Section 405: Exception for certain payments exempted when received as earnings.
Section 406: Exception for death or disability payments and benefits
Section 407: Exception for payments and benefits under tax-exempt pension schemes
Section 408: Exception for contributions to tax-exempt pension schemes
Section 412: Exception for payments and benefits provided by foreign governments etc.
Section 416: Notional interest treated as paid if amount charged for beneficial loan
Part 7: Employment income: share-related income and exemptions
Arrangement of material for share schemes
Chapter 2: Conditional interests in shares
Section 423: Interests in shares acquired “as a director or employee”
Section 426: No charge in respect of acquisition of employee’s interest in certain circumstances
Section 427: Charge on interest in shares ceasing to be only conditional or on disposal
Section 429: Amount or value of consideration given for employee’s interest
Section 430: Amount or value of consideration given for right to acquire shares
Section 431: Application of this Chapter where employee dies
Section 432: Duty to notify provision of conditional interests in shares
Section 433: Duty to notify events resulting in charges under section 427
Section 440: Case outside charge under section 438: conversion of entire class
Section 441: Case outside charge under section 438: acquisition of conditional interest
Section 442: Amount or value of consideration given for shares or conversion
Section 443: Amount or value of consideration given for right to acquire shares
Chapter 4 – Post-acquisition benefits from shares
Section 453: Charge on increase in value of shares of dependent subsidiary
Section 457: Charge on other chargeable benefits from shares
Section 463: Disposals of shares to connected persons etc. ignored
Section 465: Duty to notify acquisitions of shares or interests in shares
Section 466: Duty to notify chargeable events and chargeable benefits
Section 473: Share options to which this Chapter does not apply
Section 474: No charge in respect of receipt of shorter-term option
Section 475: Value of longer-term option for purposes of liability to tax in respect of receipt
Section 476: Charge on exercise, assignment or release of option by employee
Section 477: Charge on employee where option exercised, assigned or released by another person
Section 480: Amount of gain realised by assigning or releasing option
Section 481: Deductible amount in respect of secondary Class 1 contributions met by employee
Section 482: Deductible amount in respect of special contribution met by employee
Section 484: Amount or value of consideration given for grant of share option
Section 485: Application of this Chapter where share option exchanged for another
Section 486: Duty to notify matters relating to share options
Section 489: Operation of tax advantages in connection with approved SIP
Section 490: No charge on award or acquisition of shares: general
Section 491: No charge on award of shares as taxable benefit
Section 492: No charge on partnership share money deducted from salary
Section 494: No charge on removal of restrictions applying to shares
Section 495: No charge on increase in value of shares of dependent subsidiary
Section 496: No charge on cash dividend retained for reinvestment
Section 497: Limitations on charges on shares ceasing to be subject to plan
Section 498: No charge on shares ceasing to be subject to plan in certain circumstances
Section 500: Operation of tax charges in connection with approved SIP
Section 501: Charge on capital receipts in respect of plan shares
Section 503: Charge on partnership share money paid over to employee
Section 504: Charge on cancellation payments in respect of partnership share agreement
Section 505: Charge on free or matching shares ceasing to be subject to plan
Section 506: Charge on partnership shares ceasing to be subject to plan
Section 507: Charge on disposal of beneficial interest during holding period
Section 508: Identification of shares ceasing to be subject to plan
Section 509: Modification of section 696 where charge on shares ceasing to be subject to plan
Section 510: Payments by trustees to employer company on shares ceasing to be subject to plan
Section 511: PAYE deductions to be made by trustees on shares ceasing to be subject to plan
Section 513: Capital receipts: payments by trustees to employer company
Section 514: Capital receipts: PAYE deductions to be made by trustees
Chapter 9: Enterprise management incentives
Section 527: Enterprise management incentives: qualifying options
Section 529: Scope of tax advantages: option must be exercised within 10 years
Section 530: No charge on exercise of option to acquire shares at market value
Section 531: Limitation of charge on exercise of option to acquire shares below market value
Section 532: Modified tax consequences following disqualifying events
Section 534: Disqualifying events relating to relevant company
Section 537: Alterations of share capital for purposes of section 536
Section 538: Share conversions excluded for purposes of section 536
Section 539: CSOP and other options relevant for purposes of section 536
Section 540: No charge on acquisition of shares as taxable benefit
Chapter 11: Supplementary Provisions about employee benefit trusts
Chapter 6: Approved retirement benefits schemes
Chapter 11: Certain overseas government pensions paid in the UK
Chapter 13: Return of surplus employee additional voluntary contributions
Chapter 14: Pre-1973 pensions paid under the Overseas Pensions Act 1973
Chapter 17: Exemptions: any taxpayer
Section 639: Pensions in respect of death due to military or war service
Section 640: Exemption under section 639 where income withheld
Section 642: Compensation for National-Socialist persecution
Section 643: Malawi, Trinidad and Tobago and Zambia government pensions
Section 644: Pensions payable where employment ceased due to disablement
Section 645: Social security pensions: increases in respect of children
Section 646: Former miners etc: coal and allowances in lieu of coal
Income Tax (Employments) Act 1943 (6&7 Geo. 6. (1942-43) c.45)
The Income Tax (Offices and Employments) Act 1944 (7&8 Geo. 6. (1943-44) c.12)
Section 706: Exclusions of general earnings from income etc.
Schedule 2: Approved Share Incentive Plans
Part 4: Types of shares that may be awarded
Paragraph 25: Types of shares that may be awarded: introduction
Paragraph 26: Shares must be part of ordinary share capital of certain companies
Paragraph 28: Shares must be fully paid up and not redeemable
Paragraph 32: Permitted restrictions: provision for forfeiture
Paragraph 33: Permitted restrictions: pre-emption conditions
Paragraph 48: Notice of possible effect of deductions on benefit entitlement
Paragraph 50: Application of money deducted where no accumulation periods
Paragraph 52: Application of money deducted in accumulation period
Paragraph 56: Repayment of partnership share money on withdrawal of approval or termination
Paragraph 70: Requirements etc. relating to trustees: introduction
Paragraph 72: Duty to act in accordance with participant’s directions
Paragraph 77: Power of trustees to raise funds to subscribe for rights issue
Paragraph 78: Acquisition by trustees of shares from employee share ownership trust
Paragraph 80: Other duties of trustees in relation to tax liabilities
Schedule 3: Approved Saye Option Schemes
Part 6: Requirements etc. relating to share options
Paragraph 27: Requirements etc. relating to share options: introduction
Paragraph 28: Requirements as to price for acquisition of shares
Paragraph 33: Exercise of options: reaching specified age without retiring
Paragraph 34: Exercise of options: scheme-related employment ends
Paragraph 36: Exercise of options: employment in associated company at bonus date
Schedule 4: Approved Csop Schemes
Schedule 5: Enterprise Management Incentives
Paragraph 13: The trading activities requirement: single company
Paragraph 14: The trading activities requirement: parent company
Paragraph 17: Excluded activities: wholesale and retail distribution
Paragraph 19: Excluded activities: receipt of royalties or licence fees
Paragraph 21: Excluded activities: hotels and comparable establishments
Paragraph 22: Excluded activities: nursing homes and residential care homes
Paragraph 23: Excluded activities: provision of facilities for another business
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