
Part 6Registration: general

Information etc.

66Inspection of the registers etc

(1)Any person may inspect and make copies of, or of any part of—

(a)the register of title,

(b)any document kept by the registrar which is referred to in the register of title,

(c)any other document kept by the registrar which relates to an application to him, or

(d)the register of cautions against first registration.

(2)The right under subsection (1) is subject to rules which may, in particular—

(a)provide for exceptions to the right, and

(b)impose conditions on its exercise, including conditions requiring the payment of fees.

67Official copies of the registers etc

(1)An official copy of, or of a part of—

(a)the register of title,

(b)any document which is referred to in the register of title and kept by the registrar,

(c)any other document kept by the registrar which relates to an application to him, or

(d)the register of cautions against first registration,

is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the original.

(2)A person who relies on an official copy in which there is a mistake is not liable for loss suffered by another by reason of the mistake.

(3)Rules may make provision for the issue of official copies and may, in particular, make provision about—

(a)the form of official copies,

(b)who may issue official copies,

(c)applications for official copies, and

(d)the conditions to be met by applicants for official copies, including conditions requiring the payment of fees.


(1)The registrar must keep an index for the purpose of enabling the following matters to be ascertained in relation to any parcel of land—

(a)whether any registered estate relates to the land,

(b)how any registered estate which relates to the land is identified for the purposes of the register,

(c)whether the land is affected by any, and, if so what, caution against first registration, and

(d)such other matters as rules may provide.

(2)Rules may—

(a)make provision about how the index is to be kept and may, in particular, make provision about—

(i)the information to be included in the index,

(ii)the form in which information included in the index is to be kept, and

(iii)the arrangement of that information;

(b)make provision about official searches of the index.

69Historical information

(1)The registrar may on application provide information about the history of a registered title.

(2)Rules may make provision about applications for the exercise of the power conferred by subsection (1).

(3)The registrar may—

(a)arrange for the provision of information about the history of registered titles, and

(b)authorise anyone who has the function of providing information under paragraph (a) to have access on such terms as the registrar thinks fit to any relevant information kept by him.

70Official searches

Rules may make provision for official searches of the register, including searches of pending applications for first registration, and may, in particular, make provision about—

(a)the form of applications for searches,

(b)the manner in which such applications may be made,

(c)the form of official search certificates, and

(d)the manner in which such certificates may be issued.