Explanatory Notes

Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002

2002 CHAPTER 41

7 November 2002

Commentary on Sections

Part 5: Immigration and Asylum Appeals


Section 104: Pending appeal

262.Section 104 makes provision equivalent to section 58 of the 1999 Act. It defines when an appeal under section 82(1) is pending, during which time the appellant is generally protected from enforcement of the consequences of a decision. An appeal is pending from the time it is instituted (in accordance with Procedure Rules under section 106). It remains pending until the time limit for taking it further expires or until it has been finally determined, withdrawn or abandoned. An appeal while the appellant is in the United Kingdom ceases to be pending if the person leaves the United Kingdom or is granted leave to enter or remain here (subsection (4)). In some circumstances (those specified in subsection (5) ) the making of a deportation order brings appeals to an end. It is assumed that the relevant issues will have been addressed during the course of any appeal against the decision to deport the person concerned.

263.Subsection (3) now makes it clear that if the Tribunal remits an appeal to an adjudicator, its determination is not a final determination for this purpose, so the appeal remains pending.

264.The section does not apply to appeals under section 83 where leave to remain of more than 12 months has been granted to a person refused asylum.