Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 Explanatory Notes

Section 29: Facilities

89.Section 29 gives the Secretary of State the power to provide residents of accommodation centres with a number of facilities and services, described in subsection (1).

90.Subsection (2) enables the Secretary of State by regulations to set the maximum amount of money that can be provided to the resident of an accommodation centre.

91.Subsection (3) enables the Secretary of State to arrange for the provision of facilities in an accommodation centre for the use of legal advisers and subsection (4) requires the Secretary of State to take reasonable steps to ensure that a resident has an opportunity to obtain legal advice before the appointment made for his substantive asylum interview.

92.Subsection (5) allows the Secretary of State to add by order to the list of items and facilities which may be provided to a resident of an accommodation centre set out in subsection (1). Orders and regulations under this section are subject to the negative resolution procedure under section 39.

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