
Part 3Mergers

Chapter 4Enforcement

Interim restrictions and powers

78Restrictions on certain share dealings: anticipated mergers

(1)Subsection (2) applies where—

(a)a reference has been made under section 33; and

(b)no undertakings under section 80 are in force in relation to the relevant merger situation concerned and no orders under section 81 are in force in relation to that situation.

(2)No relevant person shall, without the consent of the Commission, directly or indirectly acquire during the relevant period an interest in shares in a company if any enterprise to which the reference relates is carried on by or under the control of that company.

(3)The consent of the Commission under subsection (2)—

(a)may be general or special;

(b)may be revoked by the Commission; and

(c)shall be published in such manner as the Commission considers appropriate for bringing it to the attention of any person entitled to the benefit of it.

(4)Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) shall not apply if the Commission considers that publication is not necessary for the purpose mentioned in that paragraph.

(5)Subsection (2) shall apply to a person’s conduct outside the United Kingdom if (and only if) he is—

(a)a United Kingdom national;

(b)a body incorporated under the law of the United Kingdom or of any part of the United Kingdom; or

(c)a person carrying on business in the United Kingdom.

(6)In this section and section 79—