Explanatory Notes

Adoption and Children Act 2002

2002 CHAPTER 38

7th November 2002

Commentary on Sections

Part 3 -Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Chapter 2 - Final Provisions
Section 141: Rules of procedure

341.Section 141 enables the Lord Chancellor to make rules to deal generally with all matters of procedure. This section provides in particular for rules to say where and to whom notice is given of hearings for placement and adoption orders. Subsection (3) provides that this notice must state the date and place of the application and that the person to whom notice is given need not attend the hearing, unless they wish to attend or the court requires it.

342.Subsection (4) makes provision as to whom that notice must be given. For applications for placement and adoption orders this is every person who can be found whose consent is necessary or could be dispensed with under sections 21 or 47. In these cases rules may prescribe that where such a person cannot be found another relative must be given such notice.

343.For applications to vary or revoke a placement order, notice should be given to each party whose consent to the placement order was necessary (or would have been required but for the dispensation provisions); for applications for an adoption order where advance consent has been given, notice should be given to each parent or guardian unless they have stated that they do not wish to be provided with such notice.