Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002 Explanatory Notes


68.Section 22 makes provision for commencement by order of the provisions of the Act.   Some technical provisions and the powers to make regulations under it will come into force shortly after Royal Assent.  The substantive provisions will be brought into force later.  Orders to commence provisions of the Act are to be made by the Secretary of State, or as respects Scotland, the Scottish Ministers. The substantive provisions of the Act will come into force not less than twelve weeks after Royal Assent, save for the following transitional arrangements for which a minimum of a further three months will be allowed:

  • advertising within retail outlets

  • in-pack promotion schemes (promotion schemes where coupons inserted into packs, or parts of a pack, are collected by customers who later redeem them for goods)

  • direct marketing contracts (only contracts which were set up before 8 October 1999).

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