Education Act 2002 Explanatory Notes

Student Loans

Section 186
Section 186: Student Loans

348.This section gives the powers to set in place arrangements to pay off the student loans of any person who meets eligibility requirements to be specified in regulations. It provides the basis for the Government to implement plans to pay off, over time, loans (including any interest accrued) for new teachers in shortage subjects in schools maintained by LEAs, non-maintained special schools, CTCs, CCTAs, Academies, colleges in the FE sector, non-FE sector specialist colleges in receipt of funding from either the LSC or the NCETW, and Higher Education institutions that offer FE courses.

349.The section provides a power for the Secretary of State to reduce or pay off any outstanding student loans which a person who is eligible under the proposed scheme may have. The section gives the power to write off or repay any loans made to English or Welsh domiciled students under the Education (Student Loans) Act 1990 (mortgage style loans) or the THEA (income-contingent loans). It also gives the power to repay loans received under any other arrangements, including loans entered into outside England and Wales.

350.The section gives the Secretary of State the power to determine that any functions under the relevant regulations should be exercised by another person or body on her behalf. It also provides that regulations made under this section should be made by the Secretary of State rather than by the NAW, as student support matters are not devolved to Wales.

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