Education Act 2002 Explanatory Notes

Section 178: Training and education provided in the workplace for 14 to 16 year olds

336.Section 5 of the LSA enables the LSC to fund education or training at an FE sector college for pupils in the final two years of compulsory schooling. This section extends that to enable the LSC in England to fund education or training for such students provided at the premises of an employer in England.

337.The section also extends the age range for Ofsted / Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) area inspections from 16-19 to 14-19 in England and Estyn area inspections from 16 plus to 14 plus in Wales. An area inspection is an examination of the provision of education in a specific locality which results in a report to the LSC. The ALI is a government body that inspects all publicly funded work-based training for people over 16.

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