Appropriation Act 2001


Schedule of the resources authorised for use, and the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund, to meet the costs of the services specified in the first column of the Schedule, which will be incurred during the year ending on 31st March 2002.

Totals not exceeding
Net Resources authorised for UseAmounts to be Appropriated in Aid
Request for Resources
1. Securing health care for those who need it41,460,955,0008,361,671,000
Health authorities and primary care trusts under their unified budgets, family health services (including general medical, general ophthalmic, general dental and pharmaceutical services); public dividend capital advances to trusts, education, training, research and development; centrally managed expenditure on behalf of the NHS, services provided to or on behalf of the Scottish Executive, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Ireland, and associated non-cash items.
2. Securing social care and child protection for those who need it and, at the national level protecting, promoting and improving the nation’s health1,822,732,000143,693,000
Administration, including certain expenditure on behalf of the Department of Social Security and the National Health Service in England; departmental agencies, centrally funded health and social services (including non-departmental public bodies and special health authorities some of which are administered on a United Kingdom basis); including other local government services, medical, scientific and technical services, services for disabled persons, grants to voluntary organisations and other bodies, research and development, information services and health promotion activities; provision of personal social services (including grants to local authorities); medical treatment given to people from the United Kingdom in other countries of the European Economic Area; welfare food; Home Office inspection of laboratories; grants in aid; payments and subscriptions to international organisations; prison health care; education and training for all health care professionals (excluding doctors); the Employment Opportunities Fund programme; payments made under Sector Challenge arrangements with the Department of Trade and Industry; services provided to or on behalf of the Scottish Executive, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Ireland, and associated non-cash items.
Total Requests for Resources, Department of Health£43,283,687,000£8,505,364,000
Total non-operating appropriations in aid, Department of Health£1,310,535,000
Total sums authorised for issue from the Consolidated Fund, Department of Health£43,279,479,000