Appropriation Act 2001


Schedule of the resources authorised for use, and the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund, to meet the costs of the services specified in the first column of the Schedule, which will be incurred during the year ending on 31st March 2002.

Totals not exceeding
Net Resources authorised for UseAmounts to be Appropriated in Aid
Request for Resources
1. Export Finance Assistance235,124,00086,600,000
Interest support to banks and other lenders of export finance, grants towards financing of exports to match foreign competition, the funding of the refinancing programme, and on associated non-cash items.
2. Trading Operations15,184,000321,521,000
Export credit guarantees given in the national interest or to render economic assistance to overseas countries, overseas investment insurance, tender to contract/forward exchange supplement cover, residual commitments under discontinued facilities, the cost escalation scheme, expenses relating to the active management of the portfolio, trading and administration expenses, and on associated non-cash items.
Total Requests for Resources, Export Credits Guarantee Department£250,308,000£408,121,000
Total non-operating appropriations in aid, Export Credits Guarantee Department£421,300,000
Total sums authorised for issue from the Consolidated Fund, Export Credits Guarantee Department£961,929,000