
Part 2Plant and machinery allowances

Chapter 13Provisions affecting mining and oil industries

Expenditure connected with mineral extraction trades

159Meaning of “mineral extraction trade” etc.

In this Chapter—

have the same meaning as in Part 5 (mineral extraction allowances).

160Expenditure treated as incurred for purposes of mineral extraction trade

For the purposes of this Part, expenditure incurred by a person—

(a)on the provision of plant or machinery for mineral exploration and access, and

(b)in connection with a mineral extraction trade carried on by him,

is to be treated as incurred for the purposes of that trade.

161Pre-trading expenditure on mineral exploration and access

(1)This section applies if a person—

(a)incurs pre-trading expenditure on the provision of plant or machinery for the purposes of mineral exploration and access, and

(b)owns the plant or machinery on the first day of trading.

But this is subject to subsection (5).

(2)The person is to be treated for the purposes of this Part as if he had—

(a)sold the plant or machinery immediately before the first day of trading, and

(b)on that first day incurred capital expenditure on the provision of the plant or machinery for the purposes of the trade.

(3)The amount of the capital expenditure that the person is to be treated as having incurred is an amount equal to—

(a)the pre-trading expenditure, or

(b)if there has been an actual sale and re-acquisition before the first day of trading, the amount last incurred on the provision of the plant or machinery.

(4)In this section—

(a)“pre-trading expenditure” means capital expenditure incurred before the day on which a person begins to carry on a mineral extraction trade, and

(b)“the first day of trading”, in relation to a person’s pre-trading expenditure, means the day on which that person begins to carry on the mineral extraction trade.

(5)This section does not apply if the plant or machinery on which the pre-trading expenditure was incurred is sold, demolished, destroyed or abandoned before the first day of trading (but see section 402 (mineral extraction allowances: pre-trading expenditure on plant or machinery)).