Explanatory Notes

Capital Allowances Act 2001

2001 CHAPTER 2

22nd March 2001

Commentary on Sections


Part 10: Assured tenancy allowances
Chapter 2: The relevant interest
Section 496: Interest acquired on completion of construction

1783.This section is based on section 97(3) of CAA 1990.

1784.It deals with the case in which the person incurring the construction expenditure becomes entitled to an interest in the building when construction is completed. Without this provision there might be no relevant interest because that person might have no interest in the building when the construction expenditure is incurred. The absence of a relevant interest could effectively deny relief for the cost of the building that might otherwise be available.

1785.There is added “or as a result of the” in paragraph (b). See Change 34 in Annex 1. But this change is likely to have no effect for this Part as qualifying expenditure and the relevant interest have almost certainly been established many years ago.