Private Security Industry Act 2001 Explanatory Notes

Section 8: Licences to engage in licensable conduct

37.Subsection (1) permits the Authority to issue licences. Subsection (2) requires licence applications to be in a form and to supply such information as regulations may require. Subsection (3) requires the Authority to apply the criteria applicable by virtue of Section 7 when deciding whether or not to grant a licence.

38.Subsection (4) permits the Authority to refuse to grant a licence until satisfied about the identity of the applicant; until any additional information requested of the applicant has been provided; and until any further enquiries undertaken by the Authority have been completed. Subsection (5) requires licences to be in the form, to contain information and to be subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations. Subsection (6) permits the Authority to attach additional conditions to licences above and beyond those which are prescribed in regulations.

39.Subsection (7) requires applicants for licences to pay the Authority a fee of an amount prescribed by the Secretary of State. Subsection (8) makes a licence normally valid for a period of three years and enables the Secretary of State to specify different validity periods by order.

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