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SCHEDULE 18U.K. Mutuals

Part VU.K. Credit Unions

The Credit Unions Act 1979 (c.34)U.K.

21U.K.In section 6 (minimum and maximum number of members), omit subsections (2) to (6).

22U.K.In section 11 (loans), omit subsections (2) and (6).

23U.K.Omit sections 11B (loans approved by credit unions), 11C (grant of certificates of approval) and 11D (withdrawal of certificates of approval).

24U.K.In section 12, omit subsections (4) and (5).

25U.K.In section 14, omit subsections (2), (3), (5) and (6).

26U.K.In section 28 (offences), omit subsection (2).