Financial Services and Markets Act 2000


16(1)In determining its policy with respect to the amounts of penalties to be imposed by it under this Act, the Authority must take no account of the expenses which it incurs, or expects to incur, in discharging its functions.

(2)The Authority must prepare and operate a scheme for ensuring that the amounts paid to the Authority by way of penalties imposed under this Act are applied for the benefit of authorised persons.

(3)The scheme may, in particular, make different provision with respect to different classes of authorised person.

(4)Up to date details of the scheme must be set out in a document (“the scheme details”).

(5)The scheme details must be published by the Authority in the way appearing to it to be best calculated to bring them to the attention of the public.

(6)Before making the scheme, the Authority must publish a draft of the proposed scheme in the way appearing to the Authority to be best calculated to bring it to the attention of the public.

(7)The draft must be accompanied by notice that representations about the proposals may be made to the Authority within a specified time.

(8)Before making the scheme, the Authority must have regard to any representations made to it in accordance with sub-paragraph (7).

(9)If the Authority makes the proposed scheme, it must publish an account, in general terms, of—

(a)the representations made to it in accordance with sub-paragraph (7); and

(b)its response to them.

(10)If the scheme differs from the draft published under sub-paragraph (6) in a way which is, in the opinion of the Authority, significant the Authority must (in addition to complying with sub-paragraph (9)) publish details of the difference.

(11)The Authority must, without delay, give the Treasury a copy of any scheme details published by it.

(12)The Authority may charge a reasonable fee for providing a person with a copy of—

(a)a draft published under sub-paragraph (6);

(b)scheme details.

(13)Sub-paragraphs (6) to (10) and (12)(a) also apply to a proposal to alter or replace the complaints scheme.