Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 Explanatory Notes

Section 71: Access to driver licensing records

170.Section 71 provides for the Secretary of State to make driver licensing records available to the Police Information Technology Organisation for use by the police. The intention is that this information will be transferred on to the Police National Computer (PNC).

171.These records will include the licence holder’s name, address, sex, date of birth, country of birth (where known), driver number, type of licence held, classes of vehicle covered, other relevant restrictions on driving entitlement, endorsements, penalty points, licence commencement and expiry date. They will also include an electronic photograph and electronic signature which are an integral part of the photo-card driving licence record which the PNC is not currently able to store, but provision needs to made now to allow transfer of this data for a time when the PNC is able to store it.

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