Explanatory Notes

Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000

2000 CHAPTER 41

30th November 2000

Commentary on Sections

Part V: Control of campaign expenditure

Sections 80 to 84 : Returns

183.Sections 80 to 84 are concerned with the preparation, auditing and submission of returns as to campaign expenditure. The registered treasurer of a party is required to prepare a return after each relevant campaign period and it is made an offence for the treasurer to fail to submit a return or to knowingly or recklessly submit a false return. The return must be accompanied by a declaration by the treasurer as to its accuracy. A party must submit its return to the Electoral Commission within three months of the end of the relevant campaign period to which the return relates, unless the party’s expenditure exceeds £250,000, in which case the return must be independently examined by a qualified auditor and submitted within six months. All returns received by the Electoral Commission are to be open to public inspection.