Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 Explanatory Notes

Section 38: Treatment in winding up

This section deals with the priority to be awarded to pension credit rights on the winding up of an occupational pension scheme.

Subsection (1) provides for pension credit benefit to be included in the preferential liabilities on the winding up of a scheme to which section 56 of the Pensions Act 1995 applies (that is a salary related scheme subject to the minimum funding requirement (MFR)).

Subsection (2) concerns schemes to which section 56 of the 1995 Act does not apply (that is schemes not subject to the MFR). It gives pensions in payment derived from pension credits the same priority as other pensions in payment. Rights that have not come into payment are accorded the same priority as the rights of deferred members (early leavers). The order of priority is consistent with that for salary related schemes.

Subsection (3) provides that the provisions of subsection (2) override scheme rules.

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