Explanatory Notes

Local Government Act 1999

1999 CHAPTER 27

27 July 1999


Best value

5.The Government published a provisional list of twelve Key Principles of Best Value in June 1997, which were later reproduced in both the English and Welsh Green Papers referred to below.

6.The Government built upon these Key Principles in its Green Paper Modernising Local Government: improving local services through best value, which was published in March 1998, and Modernising Local Government in Wales: improving local services through best value, published in April 1998. The latest statement of the Government’s policy on best value was contained in Chapter 7 of the White Paper Modern Local Government: In Touch with the People and in chapter 7 of Local Voices: Modernising Local Government in Wales, which were both published in July 1998, setting out the Government’s wider plans for the future of local government.