Employment Relations Act 1999 Explanatory Notes

Other rights of individuals

12.The Act:


provides in certain circumstances for employees to be protected from dismissal for taking part in lawfully organised official industrial action;


prohibits the use of waivers for unfair dismissal but not redundancy payments in fixed term contracts;


contains regulation-making powers for the Secretary of State to ensure that part-time workers receive no less favourable treatment than full-time workers. (It is intended that there should be further public consultation on the regulations, which will be brought into force by April 2000 in order to implement the Part-Time Work Directive);


exempts residential members of religious and other similar communities from the National Minimum Wage Act 1998, giving effect to a recommendation from the Low Pay Commission; and


contains order-making powers for the Secretary of State to extend the coverage of some or all existing employment rights by regulation to specified categories of individual.

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