Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999

Information, publicity and consultation

11Enabling persons of any specified description (whether or not they are holders of permits) to be required—

(a)to compile information—

(i)on emissions within the meaning of the regulations;

(ii)on energy consumption and on the efficiency with which energy is used;

(iii)on waste within the meaning of the regulations and on the destinations of such waste;

(b)to provide such information in such manner as is specified in the regulations.


(a)that publicity is given to specified matters;

(b)that regulators maintain registers of specified matters (but excepting information which under the regulations is, or is determined to be, commercially confidential and subject to any other exceptions specified in the regulations) which are open to public inspection;

(c)that copies of entries in such registers, or of specified documents, may be obtained by members of the public.

13Requiring or authorising regulators to carry out consultation in connection with the exercise of any of their functions; and providing for them to take into account representations made to them on consultation.