Explanatory Notes

Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999

1999 CHAPTER 23

27 July 1999

Commentary on Sections

Part II: Giving of evidence or information for purposes of criminal proceedings

Chapter I: Special Measures directions in case of vulnerable or intimidated witnesses
Section 19: Special measures direction relating to an eligible witness

88.This section describes what courts must consider when they decide, on application from either the prosecution or the defence, or of their own accord, whether special measures might be appropriate for a witness. They must consider:

89.Any direction must give detailed instruction about where, when and how the measures specified should be provided (subsection (4)).

90 The inherent discretion of the court to offer these or other measures to witnesses who do not qualify as eligible (such as defendants), or who need measures for reasons other than age, incapacity, fear or distress, is not affected (subsection (6)).