
Part ICompetition

Chapter IIAbuse of Dominant Position


23Effect of guidance

(1)This section applies to conduct if the Director has determined an application under section 21 by giving guidance that the conduct is unlikely to infringe the Chapter II prohibition.

(2)The Director is to take no further action under this Part with respect to the conduct to which this section applies, unless—

(a)he has reasonable grounds for believing that there has been a material change of circumstance since he gave his guidance;

(b)he has a reasonable suspicion that the information on which he based his guidance was incomplete, false or misleading in a material particular; or

(c)a complaint about the conduct has been made to him.

(3)No penalty may be imposed under this Part in respect of any infringement of the Chapter II prohibition by conduct to which this section applies.

(4)But the Director may remove the immunity given by subsection (3) if—

(a)he takes action under this Part with respect to the conduct in one of the circumstances mentioned in subsection (2);

(b)he considers that it is likely that the conduct will infringe the prohibition; and

(c)he gives notice in writing to the undertaking on whose application the guidance was given that he is removing the immunity as from the date specified in his notice.

(5)If the Director has a reasonable suspicion that information—

(a)on which he based his guidance, and

(b)which was provided to him by an undertaking engaging in the conduct,

was incomplete, false or misleading in a material particular, the date specified in a notice under subsection (4)(c) may be earlier than the date on which the notice is given.