
ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULES (A) and (B) to which this Act refers

Class XI 1998–99

SCHEDULE (B).—Part 13Class XI

Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999, viz.:—

Sums not exceeding
Supply GrantsAppropriations in Aid
1. For expenditure by the Department of Health on hospital, community health, family health and related services. (Including a supplementary sum of £6,600,000)31,865,014,0009,296,624,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Health on administration, including certain expenditure on behalf of the Department of Social Security and the National Health Service in England, on miscellaneous health, personal social and other services (some of which are administered on a United Kingdom basis), including medical, scientific and technical services, services for disabled persons, grants to voluntary organisations, medical treatment given to people from the United Kingdom in other countries of the European Economic Area and on welfare food, payments in respect of Home Office inspection of laboratories services, grants-in-aid, payments and subscriptions to international organisations and payments made under Sector Challenge arrangements with the Department of Trade and Industry. (Revised sum)1,382,467,000134,937,000
3. For expenditure by the NHS Pensions Agency on pensions, allowances, gratuities, etc. to or in respect of persons engaged in health services or in other approved employment.729,523,0001,829,395,000
Total, Class XI, £33,977,004,00011,260,956,000