

SCHEDULE 2Accounts Subject to Audit

1Section 2 applies to all accounts of—

(a)a local authority;

(b)a joint authority;

(c)a parish meeting of a parish not having a separate parish council;

(d)a committee of a local authority, including a joint committee of two or more such authorities;

(e)the Council of the Isles of Scilly;

(f)any charter trustees constituted under section 246 of the 1972 Act;

(g)a body specified in section 98(1) of the [1977 c. 49.] National Health Service Act 1977;

(h)a port health authority;

(i)the Broads Authority;

(j)a National Park authority;

(k)a police authority established under section 3 of the [1996 c. 16.] Police Act 1996;

(l)the Service Authority for the National Crime Squad;

(m)a fire authority constituted by a combination scheme;

(n)a licensing planning committee;

(o)an internal drainage board; and

(p)a probation committee, except the committee for the inner London probation area.