
Part IIEffect of custodial sentences

Chapter IILife sentences

Licences and recall

32Recall of life prisoners while on licence

(1)If recommended to do so by the Parole Board in the case of a life prisoner who has been released on licence under this Chapter, the Secretary of State may revoke his licence and recall him to prison.

(2)The Secretary of State may revoke the licence of any life prisoner and recall him to prison without a recommendation by the Parole Board, where it appears to him that it is expedient in the public interest to recall that person before such a recommendation is practicable.

(3)A life prisoner recalled to prison under subsection (1) or (2) above—

(a)may make representations in writing with respect to his recall; and

(b)on his return to prison, shall be informed of the reasons for his recall and of his right to make representations.

(4)The Secretary of State shall refer to the Parole Board—

(a)the case of a life prisoner recalled under subsection (1) above who makes representations under subsection (3) above; and

(b)the case of a life prisoner recalled under subsection (2) above.

(5)Where on a reference under subsection (4) above the Parole Board—

(a)directs in the case of a life prisoner to whom section 28 above applies; or

(b)recommends in the case of any other life prisoner,

his immediate release on licence under this section, the Secretary of State shall give effect to the direction or recommendation.

(6)On the revocation of the licence of any life prisoner under this section, he shall be liable to be detained in pursuance of his sentence and, if at large, shall be deemed to be unlawfully at large.