  1. Introductory Text

  2. England and Wales

    1. 1.After-care under supervision

    2. 2.Absence without leave

    3. 3.Leave of absence from hospital

  3. Scotland

    1. 4.Community care orders

    2. 5.Absence without leave

    3. 6.Leave of absence from hospital

  4. Supplementary

    1. 7.Short title, commencement and extent


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      After-care under supervision: supplementary

      1. Records

        1. 1.In section 24 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (visiting...

      2. Regulations

        1. 2.In section 32 of that Act (regulations for purposes of...

      3. Wards of court

        1. 3.In section 33 of that Act (wards of court), at...

      4. Medical officers and supervisors

        1. 4.(1) Section 34 of that Act (interpretation) shall be amended...

      5. Part III patients

        1. 5.In section 41 of that Act (power of higher courts...

        2. 6.In Schedule 1 to that Act (application of provisions to...

      6. Mental Health Review Tribunals

        1. 7.(1) Section 66 of that Act (applications to tribunals) shall...

        2. 8.(1) Section 67 of that Act (references to tribunals by...

        3. 9.In section 68 of that Act (duty of managers of...

        4. 10.(1) Section 72 of that Act (powers of tribunal) shall...

        5. 11.In section 76(1) of that Act (visiting and examination of...

        6. 12.In section 77(3) of that Act (tribunal applications), after the...

        7. 13.In section 79(6) of that Act (interpretation of Part V),...

        8. 14.In Schedule 1 to that Act (application of provisions to...

      7. After-care services

        1. 15.(1) Section 117 of that Act (after-care services) shall be...

      8. Code of practice

        1. 16.In section 118 of that Act (code of practice), in...

      9. Offences

        1. 17.In section 126 of that Act (forgery, false statements etc.),...

        2. 18.In section 127 of that Act (ill-treatment of patients), after...

        3. 19.In section 129 of that Act (obstruction), in subsection (1)(b)...

      10. Interpretation

        1. 20.(1) Section 145 of that Act (interpretation) shall be amended...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Community care orders: supplementary

      1. Mental Welfare Commission

        1. 1.In section 3 of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984...

        2. 2.In section 5 of that Act (duties of Secretary of...

      2. After-care services

        1. 3.In section 8(1) of that Act (duty of local authority...

      3. Part VI patients

        1. 4.In section 62 of that Act (application of Act to...

        2. 5.In Schedule 2 to that Act (application of Part V...

      4. Offences

        1. 6.In section 105 of that Act (ill-treatment of patients), after...

        2. 7.In section 109 of that Act (obstruction), in subsection (1),...

      5. Duty to inform nearest relative

        1. 8.In section 111(1) of that Act (duty of managers of...

      6. Code of practice

        1. 9.In section 119 of that Act (code of practice), in...

      7. Interpretation

        1. 10.In section 125(1) of that Act (interpretation), the following definitions...