Criminal Appeal Act 1995

14Further provisions about references

(1)A reference of a conviction, verdict, finding or sentence may be made under any of sections 9 to 12 either after an application has been made by or on behalf of the person to whom it relates or without an application having been so made.

(2)In considering whether to make a reference of a conviction, verdict, finding or sentence under any of sections 9 to 12 the Commission shall have regard to—

(a)any application or representations made to the Commission by or on behalf of the person to whom it relates,

(b)any other representations made to the Commission in relation to it, and

(c)any other matters which appear to the Commission to be relevant.

(3)In considering whether to make a reference under section 9 or 10 the Commission may at any time refer any point on which they desire the assistance of the Court of Appeal to that Court for the Court’s opinion on it; and on a reference under this subsection the Court of Appeal shall consider the point referred and furnish the Commission with the Court’s opinion on the point.

(4)Where the Commission make a reference under any of sections 9 to 12 the Commission shall—

(a)give to the court to which the reference is made a statement of the Commission’s reasons for making the reference, and

(b)send a copy of the statement to every person who appears to the Commission to be likely to be a party to any proceedings on the appeal arising from the reference.

(5)Where a reference under any of sections 9 to 12 is treated as an appeal against any conviction, verdict, finding or sentence, the appeal may be on any ground relating to the conviction, verdict, finding or sentence (whether or not the ground is related to any reason given by the Commission for making the reference).

(6)In every case in which—

(a)an application has been made to the Commission by or on behalf of any person for the reference under any of sections 9 to 12 of any conviction, verdict, finding or sentence, but

(b)the Commission decide not to make a reference of the conviction, verdict, finding or sentence,

the Commission shall give a statement of the reasons for their decision to the person who made the application.