

SCHEDULE 1Probation committees and probation liaison committees

Membership of probation committees

1(1)The probation committee for the inner London probation area shall consist of—

(a)the specified number of metropolitan stipendiary magistrates, nominated by the chief metropolitan stipendiary magistrate;

(b)the specified number of justices (not being metropolitan stipendiary magistrates), chosen in such manner as may be specified by such of the justices acting for the petty sessions areas of the inner London probation area as are not metropolitan stipendiary magistrates;

(c)the specified number of members of the youth courts panel for the inner London area and the City of London, chosen in such manner as may be specified.

(2)The probation committee for any other probation area constituted by an order under section 2 shall consist of the specified number of justices, chosen by the justices acting for the petty sessions areas comprised in that area in such manner as may be specified.

(3)In this paragraph “specified” means specified in an order under section 2 constituting the probation area in question.

2The probation committee for a probation area which is one petty sessions area shall consist of the prescribed number of justices chosen by the justices acting for that petty sessions area in the prescribed manner.

3(1)The Lord Chancellor may, if he thinks fit, appoint one or more judges of the Crown Court (being judges of the High Court, Circuit judges or Recorders) to be members of the probation committee for any area.

(2)A person appointed under this paragraph shall hold office in accordance with the terms of his appointment.